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after I sent my daughter for her shower i start to realise that she doesn't have clothes, "Felix, buy me girls clothes pronto." i say, and luckily we were only a few miles out of the city and so he brought the girls clothes back to me fast.

i had quietly entered the bathroom and thanks to the separate shower rooms to the bathtub she wouldn't see that i entered, and the shower door was opaque and mostly sound proof.

i took her ripped up clothes and placed the bag of clothes in her line of view, i felt lazy to take the clothes out the bag, i made sure to leave the under garments untouched.

i exited the restroom and went into the connected bedroom and went to the walk-in closet changing my attire to more casual clothes for dinner. My daughter had walked with Felix to the dining room while I was seated at the head of the long table, "young miss lost her way coming here." Felix explains to me, which I nod, while watching her take her seat i came to my senses that she seems too far away from me.

"sit closer." i ordered and she obeyed moving to the seat closer to me, 'perfect' i now can see her lovely face up close. "Sofia, do you not like the food?" i noticed she barely was eating.

"...am I allowed to eat?" she says and those words alone made me question just what did angela do to my little princess?

'...my little princess? what the actual fuck, why had i been thinking that?' i thought furiously "yes, you don't need to ask for my permission to eat. Eat to your hearts content." i responded, and with that her eyes lit up like the night sky.

"thank you, thank you!" she says excitedly as she starts to scarf down the food, "slow down. don't need to rush." i said as i took a sip of my wine.


i couldn't even complete a single task of going to dinner, i lost my way and had to find Felix and thankfully Felix was walking in my direction and was kind enough to escort me.

i ate earlier already, will they allow me to eat again? i didn't want to trouble them. having to feed another mouth is costly, or so my mother says to me. i was staring at the delicious food in front of me before hearing a distant voice asking me a question, and before i zoned back in, i began to eat the food in a rush as if they'd disappear and that he would switch his mind about allowing me to eat.

'he is my father... i want to trust him... just why wasn't he there earlier?' The same thoughts came back to me, if he wanted me, he would've found me  but he didn't. i still was scared of my own father, i was dreading the having to sleep in his bed, 'would i squirm too much?' mother had always said i was always kicking around in my crib when I was an infant, she told me that's why i sleep on the floor.

dinner had been really nice, i didn't have to go clean dishes, and he didn't even let me bring the dishes to the kitchen!

'this is paradise!' i thought, 'Everything good comes to an end... though' I sigh sadly, "what's the matter." my father asks me, startling me as i was deep in my thoughts, "ah.. will you really let me stay here?" i nervously inquire while avoiding his gaze. before long, he picked me up as if I was super light, "wow, you're really light." he states as he looks at me, being so close up to my father, i never realised how attractive he was, is someone this attractive really my dad? am i that lucky.

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