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the longer we stay at that place, the more sofia can get contaminated.

it was bad enough that we were careless and started having these arguments when she was around.

my daughter isn't to blame for being a curious child, and it isn't that I want her to not know, i just didn't want her to go after her grandmother, only to be receiving false information.

i didn't like that my stepmother wants to be part of Sofia's life, when in reality she just wants to hold power over me.

if she gets to sofia, then she'll have me obeying every command, like the loyal dog, she wants me to be.

sofia will forever be my weakness, and for those reasons i had been afraid to show her affection when I first saw her, until she broke through my barriers.

I'm scared of what life without my daughter is like, now that i have her back into my life, i cant bring myself to go through the same damn pain again.

even though my stepmother has secrets to hide, there will be one that my daughter will not know.

the grandmother she deserves is dead, and i will forever despise my stepmother for that reason.

i hate my family, and i don't understand why I thought it'd be good to have them in my daughter's life.

although I am on good terms with my dad, i still resented him for how fast he was able to move on from my own mother.

a year hadn't even gone by since my mom's death and he was already planning to get married to my stepmother.

i vowed to myself that i'd never be like him, and yet i ended up fathering a child, at a young age just like him.

because just like the game of chess, the queen holds the most power, while trying to protect the useless king that can only move once.

and sofia will be the powerful queen when she grows up, even though she has such a useless father, that plays the king.

i became emotional just thinking about how i was unable to prevent all the calamities that happened to her.

tears began to form and i hung my head low in defeat, she's so innocent and yet she gets a monster for a father.

i wipe away the tears that were spilling, and for the first time, i never felt so weak.

sofia deserves everything that the world has to offer, but i couldn't even give her a stable family.

even though, i have lorenzo as a good fellow friend of mine, i still felt alone.

my life is complete with sofia, and yet i can't help but wonder if her life is still incomplete.

when I got myself ready for bed, and the clock chimes at midnight, and i hadn't notice how late I was up for.

as I make my way towards my bed, my daughter comes crying to me.

i hold her in my grasp, protectively.

"baby, why the tears?" i question softly, as she buries her face into my chest,

i cant leave her alone, she needs me still.

"it's scary, i saw mom" my daughter cries, and when i lift her chin so I can have a better view of her face.

her tears glistened with the moon light, and her nose was red, and eyes puffy.

"baby i want you to listen to my voice okay?" i murmur as her breathing still continues to be rapid, and if I don't stop it soon she'll hyperventilate.

i guided her to one of the armchairs in my room, "you're safe, and nobody will hurt you" i softly say, as i wipe away her tears,

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