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dad really was not kidding when he asked if I had wanted a stepmother.. I never even gave him the final answer, I'd never expect to have a whole selection, like one of those suitors to get married off to, but a stepmom verison.

it felt really awkward meeting with them without my dad, I really do miss him.

"Young Miss, this is your first candidate for being your stepmother" the head of the housekeep announces from his clipboard.
"Katherine Myrrh, meet Missus Sofia Lawson, the one and only daughter of Mister Diego Lawson"

i stood in my pretty dress, as I look her up and down, she has blonde hair and the typical blue eyes, along with a pencil skirt and pink blouse. i already gotten the ick.
"This will be your schedule of the day." The head house keep name Mr. Wilson continues,

Schedule of the day 6. XX.XXXX
Katherine Myrrh-
Lunch @ 11:30
Play games @ 1:30

The schedule went on much longer and today is just with Katherine.. so my 2 months is filled with meeting up with 4 eligible candidates to be my stepmom. I don't even want one..
i knew deep down that they all applied just for my dad. To them, I am just a pawn to get to their 'king'

Shortly after the meeting, and introducing, we went off to the dining hall for lunch. "What are things you do for fun?" Katherine starts off with the most basic question ever.

"go on my phone I guess" I responded dryly, out the corner of my eyes I saw her scowl, and giving such a annoying look.

"I'll be the next mistress of this house." She starts to say, "I beg your pardon?" i say in disbelief, "yes. I'll even give your precious daddy a child that he loves." she continues,

"Get out!" I say with my voice raised, losing my complete temper, it was the way she said 'daddy' she said it in such a seductive way that it made me gag.

she glared at me, "you can't. Your precious daddy let me here" she says boastfully.

"sometimes, you forget your own place." i say, as I had security bring her out. She was too noisy.

we didn't even get to have our lunch, or play games and she gets cocky by acting like that.

I do pray that the next candidate is much much nicer. the day dragged on, and I went into daddy's room, even though it's been 5 days since he's away, i want to be strong and not cry.

his bedsheets still smelling like him, i decided to use his bedroom while he's away, it'll make things a lot easier. it's been a week now, and the next candidate finally is shown, Daisy Leahy, Mr.Wilson did the usual speech.

daisy wore a simple sundress, along with black flats, and she looks nice.

"hi! i am daisy, I am glad to meet you" she says sincerely, i like her.
"thanks" i say,

"you play soccer don't you?" she says, and I got excited, whenever anyone mentions soccer I get passionate about it.
"yeah, I'm a forward, also known as striker, the one who puts the ball into the net" i ramble off, "well, I also did play soccer! we could play" she says, okay.. damn, she's real good.

but there has to be something that is off about her, I need to eliminate her eventually.. she's too good to be true. Even though we gotten close, since she made it pass day 1, she was allowed to stay in the guest house.

at one point during the night, I wanted to visit her, and bring her cookies, however, I heard something I wish I didn't. i knew that's the reason but I didn't expect daisy to be like that too..

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