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i didn't understand why people act the way do.

during one of my gym classes, i love sports but I messed up once, and some of people were so upset about it, that I just became petty and cost us the whole game, cause those loser freaks of boys can suck it.

so school comes to an end, and it's one of those things i learned to become unfazed with.

one being that most of the school fans over my dad, and two is that the teachers do the same dang thing.

forget about me wanting extra credit; the teachers themselves will do whatever it'll take to GIVE me extra credit.

it baffles me, yeah im used to the school looking into our lives, but please privacy would be nice.

my dad definitely dresses like he's ready to take down a business or someone who hurt my feelings, you really can't tell between his indifferent attitude.

"guys, look!" i hear voice in the back say, as i watch my father pull up to the school, ready to pick me up.

i honestly get second hand embarrassment from them, it's just my dad, not some hot celebrity crush.

the moment my dad's shoes even made contact with the ground, girls were squealing, i really need to tell dad that I can ride the bus home ,or have him park far far away for me to walk.

when dad gets out the car, his suit is all in place, and to picture him, he's like a businessman, no wait, HE IS A BUSINESSMAN.

dad walks to me, and now the squealing sounds of fangirls have increased, "dad. let's leave please" i say, not even bothering to give him my usual hug, i helped myself into the car.

of course dad followed suit, no pun intended, yes.. yes all puns intended.

"mhm? what was that about" dad asks as he drives away from the main entrance.

"dad.. you don't want to ask questions, you don't want the answers to" i responded, more like I'll cringe if I say the answer.

"What is it..." dad asks, in a he probably knows the answer sort of voice.

"dad you're literally like the sun to their world." i responded, sarcastically.

he asked, i delivered.

so after that awkward conversation, i resort to doing my homework at the kitchen counter.

we're doing the probabilities and stuff, like the heads and tails sort of thing, i didnt understand it, i only know the formula way.

however, it's boring.


picking my daughter from school is the highlight of my day, just seeing her and being happy makes me feel at ease.

i was in utter shock to believe she'll be turning 14 soon, it was as if she came into this world yesterday.

more than often i daydream that i was able to witness the birth of her, and to be able to hold her in my arms, and to think that she'd be such a tiny baby in my arms.

whenever I daydream about those things, i find myself just getting more pissed off at my family and my ex, to be fair, her mother had groomed me.

even though I was 10 when I met her, and she was 13, i admire her, so of course she took advantage of that admiration later on when she was 18. But whenever I think back on the past, i wouldn't change anything.

without that detestable event that took place, i wouldn't have my sofia.

even though, she was born from a woman who was 3 years older than me, i loved her regardless.

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