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i looked around my surroundings and everything seem so foreign, my mother dragged me having a firm grip onto my left arm as we enter two big doors.

the lights were dim, and i was scared.

my mother pulled me along as I was struggling to keep up with her pace, then we enter this gigantic room.

The paintings on the wall were amazing, and there stood a big portrait of a man with jet black hair, and appearing to be wearing really nice clothes.

soon after, a man came in wearing all nice clothes, and he ordered my mother to be patient and sit still but she wouldn't have it.

"I don't want this wench." i hear her say, which makes me sad, "The chairman will be with you soon." the man says in such formal way, "make it quick." Mother says a bit annoyed as she finally let go of me, soon the man in the portrait came to life. The man in the portrait appeared from beside the wall and walked behind the big white desk, with the sight of him my mom practically tossed me towards him.

His presence was dark, the aura around him seems black, and his eyes had a piercing look to them, as i landed into the man's torso i felt my face turn red.

"She's your daughter, give me the child support." Mother orders without batting an eye at me as she pretends I don't exist.

the man who was scary gently moved me aside as he approaches my mother, "...ah, my daughter." the man starts to say, the tone to his voice was unreadable, was he disappointed that he has such an ugly child as his daughter...? i began to wonder, while fiddling with my thumbs.

"yes, pay now." mother says, making a gesture with her hand, "the child.. how old is she." the man says inching closer to my mother.

"about 8 years old."

"8 years old? she is 8 years old, and now you tell me?" the man asks in a more scary way almost sinister.

"I didn't want her in the first place, you could've had her, but guess who decided to leave?" Mother says rolling her eyes.

The man lowered his eyes as he was now in front of mother blocking her from my view, "Felix. get the child out" the man orders as the man before, Felix, nodded, and he came up to me which I flinched.

"Come with me." He says a bit strict, i nodded not wanting to be hit, "are you hungry?" he asks me which i nodded, but i didn't know if I was allowed to eat.


my daughter? i have a child? i'm a father?

these were the thoughts that had been swirling through my mind as my ex told me out of whim as we scheduled an appointment.

i felt my entire body tense up as i saw the child, she was a replica of me, her long jet black hair that looked haggard was flowing down to her butt. 'She's need a haircut' i thought to myself as i entered the room and my presence made everyone in the room tense up except for her. that's what attracted me to her in the first place, she wasn't afraid of me nor did she run away.

She had been quick to push the child into me, i swiftly caught the child and stood still a bit letting the child adjust, 'hell I don't even know her name.' i scowled at myself before I softly removed her from my frontside. i gradually made my way to my ex, angela. it felt nostalgic but i refocused at the task at hand, she's kept the existence of my flesh and blood a secret from me. 'How dare she?' i was beyond livid at her.

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