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Three years later

"and so my daughter turns 12" papa says as he gently holds onto my hand. papa had helped me put on my birthday dress, originally the maids would be the ones dressing me up but...

a few hours earlier

"no! don't touch me" i say as i was wrapped in a burrito in my bed, "but- miss it's the celebration of your 12th birthday." the maid with freckles and red hair says, i clench onto my blanket more trying to stay glued to the bed. "We must prepare you for the banquet!" the maid exasperates as she attempts remove my blanket, but suddenly i remove myself from the bed and make a dash into my big walk in closet. "miss!" i hear the maid call as she tries to catch up to me, i had hid in a stash of my father's sweatshirts that i have stolen from him over the passed few years...

"where has that girl gone to?" i hear the maid utter, and soon i hear her footsteps gradually fainting further into the distance. 'she must be gone now' i say in hopes that i can get out of my hiding, as i removed myself from the closet i bumped into someone's hard chest. 'what misfortune i have.'

"so this is where my little daughter hides" the sound of my father's unusual cool voice says, which makes me redden in embarrassment, "papa! i don't wanna change" i say giving him my best puppy eyes, "come here." he says as he picks me up like i weigh nothing, and places me on one of those platforms that tailors use to measure people, "it seems i have to dress you." my father says with a short and cold tone to his voice, i just smiled sheepishly. when i was younger, 'not that young like 4 years ago' i mentally say. i just gotten accustomed to papa helping me get ready especially for school.


so this is why i am now standing beside daddy as he holds my hand, and we descend down the stairs, as neighbouring nations come to congratulate me on my 12th birthday. 'They make it seem like it's my coming of age' i begin to think, i had always thought papa was just a cold but warm hearted person, but i've come to realise my papa is ruthless. he not only forced me to cut ties off with lily, he even threaten to ground me if i continue to be friends with her.. papa never told me why he suddenly forbids me from seeing her.

Claudette turned into someone i didn't recognize.. or know, lately she's become distant. when i first met her she welcomed me warmly... but i noticed that she's turned cold.

'my father and her are just the perfect dad and daughter duo' i begin to think, because you have me who is all cheery and bright, then you get my dad... who is a cold and ruthless person.

how does one make such a perfect angel as their child? i start to wonder if papa really used witch craft to make me.

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i was able to finally get food, and i get to socialize which i like to do! as i was getting Apple juice from the stand, i saw Claudette, she had been standing before my father.

instantaneously i felt something take over me, i clenched my hand before i crushed the cup. Claudette looked happy with my father, i never seen Claudette look happy in forever.

then i looked to my papa, and he didn't show any form of expressions...

i decided to greet Claudette, "Claudette!" i say, which sparks both of their attention, my father of course giving me a welcoming smile, but as for Claudette she had a scornful look to her face.

"My daughter" Daddy says with a genuine smile to his face as he opens his arms for me to fall into, "daddy!" i say as i accept his hug, then i see Claudette clenching her fists, "Sofia, it's been awhile." she starts to say.

"yes! it has" i say, then papa had to leave due to some sort of emergency. "i don't get it." Claudette starts to say, "hm?" i acknowledged her, "why won't father look my way like that." she continues, "your father?"

"..." she doesn't say anything, which makes me curious. if she doesn't mean her father ... does she mean mine?

"Forget it" she says quickly before she turns and disappears into the crowd, 'strange' i think.

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the party was very tiring, and too much for a 12 year old child to handle. Papa says since i am still young i am allowed to leave the banquet early, normally the banquet goes on for a week or two.. but for me  i just wanted to sleep.

it's been hours since papa has been gone, and i was beginning to miss him. he is here just i didn't know where...

i had help from, Daisy who was my personal maid to help take off my dress. "Daisy" i start to say, "yes young miss?" she responds softly.

"do you know where daddy is?" i ask, but she simply shakes her head indicating she didn't know. i sigh in disappointment. i wanted to sleep, and his bed was most comfortable!

when I finished getting ready for bed, i helped myself into daddy's room, and fixed his bed into the way i like it. i flopped onto his bed, and was already falling fast asleep.

i fell into a heavy slumber, and in the amidst of me dreaming i felt a comforting presence near me. i knew it was papa, he always had that sense of security whenever i am near him or with him. he had given a kiss to my forehead, my face naturally relaxed and i became like a baby again, i subconsciously reached out for daddy's hand.

his hand was firm, and always warm. i snuggled into his hand some more, and it seems he didn't mind.

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the following morning, i found myself waking up to daddy's bare chest, 'how could such a god like human be my father' i start to think ferociously then you have me, a petite and doesn't measure up to daddy.

a grin suddenly came to my face as i thought of somehow to annoy daddy, i first attempted to poke him in the face then i moved to poking his abdomen, then when that didn't wake papa up i got up from the bed and decided to remove one of daddy's slippers. suddenly an idea sparks to me, i rush to his bathroom and decided to take all of his men cologne.

'gosh sometimes i wonder if i really am 12' i begin to reflect on my behaviour but i decided that i will just be a child at heart.

as i was exiting papa's bathroom, i hit a wall, no not a wall i hit daddy .

"papa!!" i say startled, 'wasn't he just sleeping moments ago'

"good morning" he says, giving me a gentle smile. "papa?" i say confused, "how is my lovely daughter, these days." he inquires as he picks me up and swings me around, 'at times like these i wish i wasn't so short and light'

"papa you're scaring me" i say,

"how so my precious daughter"

'that is why'

he never usually dotes on me first thing in the morning, "is papa feeling okay" i ask solemnly.

"baby come here" he says and with that i obeyed and nothing felt weird, just papa was behaving suspiciously.

"oh would you look at that? it looks like you have to take a shower" he says as he points out some dirt on my skin.

"papa that wasn't there before"

"but it was" he responds.

"Papa! Sofia is sorry" i say, then the cologne bottles of daddy's fell out of my pajama pockets. papa cocks his eyebrow confused, "..." we stare at each other in silence, both acknowledging that i was caught red handed.

"what were you planning on doing with those." papa asks, which makes me gulp, "uh i want papa's smell everywhere in my room!" i say trying to sound convincing as possible.

"don't grow up." papa says, which confuses me, "but you say to drink lots of milk!" i exclaim, "then, i take it back, i want you to stay little." he says giving me a gentle kiss to my forehead.

... well plan failed, I'll definitely get papa, i was determined.

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published: 1.30.21

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