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my eyes widened in fear, my pulse became faster, my breathing became abnormal.

A dead body was laying on the ground, i froze in spot, i kept staring at the body, and something snapped inside of me as i made a dash out of the shed and i started crying, wanting my daddy.

I had forgotten about what lorenzo being there and about their adult talk, as i knocked on daddy's office vigorously.

"Dadddy! Daddy" I say not catching my breath, daddy opens the door and just seeing him made me cry more.

"Daddy!" I say running into his arms like a little child, daddy was taken back.

"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying" He asks me, his angelic voice always been music to my ears, "Kiddo, what's wrong?" Lorenzo asks, "i-i i" I couldn't bring myself to say it, "baby i know it's your first time having a period,, but it's not that scary" daddy starts to say, "no! Daddy... daddy i saw.. Dead body" I say still crying my eyes out.

Daddy keeps me pressed to his chest as he rubs soothing circles to my back, "...Lorenzo go check it out" Daddy commands which Lorenzo leaves without questioning.


"So we're certain that he'll try to frame me?" i ask to verify, "Yes, that's correct. But we won't know where he's going to put her" Lorenzo says, it's incredible how we both can hate each other to no ends but then end up joking around like best buds, Lorenzo always been a mischief, and he likes it when i clean up his dirty messes, but since I have a daughter i wanted to discuss with him that he can no longer relay on me to clean up his mess.

We were in the middle of discussing the next topic when rapid knocking was heard from outside my office, i was met with my daughter who was pale as a ghost, and bloodshot eyes as if she's seen... a ghost.

I felt awful for her, i wanted to soothe her and take the image away, the moment she says the reason for crying had been a big red flag for both me and lorenzo, i already knew what she had seen.

It's obvious he would stash the body in my shed.. The shed is the most obvious place, why in such a obvious place that i could not think of..? I felt furious with myself all those days trying to find clues to where he hid her, she was in the most obvious spot.

"Baby.. shh" I kept saying as i tried to bring comfort to her, "daddy" she says now her bawling was coming to sniffles, "here have some water" I tell her as i give her my glass of water.

She had fallen asleep in my arms as she finished the glass of water, i carefully carried her up to her room and made sure she was still sleeping.

I exited her room, and lorenzo held a sullen look to his face, "so who was it?" i ask, "you know the kid, lily?" lorenzo starts to say, oh god.. Please don't let it be that kid.. "Okay Enzo, this is a very serious matter, cut to the chase don't beat around the bush" I demanded, "her mother, cassandra, also known as sandra, she's dead. She was the body sofia stumbled upon," Lorenzo sums up, i was too stunned to speak.

suddenly i was thinking of lily and how she was handling things, she lost her father already, and to lose another parent? That child has too many losses.

"Do you know if lily has any living relatives?" i start to ask, he says yes but for the time being lily would need to stay in my care which i was against.

"You know after that ball incident i was furious with her" I start to say, but lorenzo cuts me off, "Diego you're an adult, mistakes happen, and you are an expert in mistakes, nows not the time to bring that up. A child has lost her mother." Lorenzo says which leaves me surprised, he's always been the bubbly and out going person but for him to speak so seriously was something new, almost like wishing for pigs to fly.

The authorities came and investigated the crime scene, of course they wanted to interrogate my daughter since she was the one who discovered the body. The body was removed from the premises and lily was standing next to a police officer as she was looking extra fragile, she was always the timid shy little girl.

Her face was full of grief even i had to sympathise with her.
I went to my daughter's room, and she was just now waking up, "Daddy i'm scared" she croaks as her eyes were puffy from the crying she did, "daddy's here, i'll always be here to protect you." I murmur as i give her a kiss to the forehead, "baby the police they want to ask you questions.. Think of it like 20 questions" I say trying to ease the stress for her.

"Okay daddy" she says, and so she told the police the truth and the police recorded everything she said. Finally she was released and that they wanted to interrogate me next which was fine by me.

At the end of everything, evidences led to enrico, the man who was trying to frame me for murder. It was such a stressful day for my daughter that her seeing lily again after so many months made her break into tears again.

"Lorenzo, you really are a magnet for trouble" I start to say as i escort him out, "i'm a trouble maker" he says giving me his usual smile that he charms the ladies with, i rolled my eyes out of annoyance.

"Thank you for being here" I say and with that he drove away. "Baby, lily will be staying with us for a few days" I say and sofia was ecstatic about it, im sure her memories of seeing a dead body will be soon forgotten.

Well how wrong was i, later into the night after i put them both to sleep, lily resided in the guest room. As i started to get ready for bed myself, i tended to stay up really late, i heard my door open and sofia came into my room clutching her blanket.

"Daddy i wanna sleep with you" she says as she was on the verge to cry again, "come here baby" I say welcoming her, she gets into my bed and i tell her that i still needed to go get ready for bed but she wouldn't let me go, "dad what if i see it again" she mumbles not wanting to say the word, "daddy please take me with you" she begs, "honey i'll be right back, i promise" I say reassuring her, but she wouldn't have it. In the end she won and she accompanied me to the bathroom, "Sweetie could you turn around" I ask and she turns around puts a blanket over her head, i tried to stifle a chuckle.

I put on some pyjama pants, "okay you can turn back around" I say as i brushed my teeth, i hadn't bothered with putting a shirt on, "Dad what is that" she asks as she points to my bellybutton, "that's daddy's bellybutton" i responded, "well i know that daddy, but why does it not look like mine?" she asks as she points to her innie, "well all of us have different bellybutton, that bellybutton had been your feeding tube when you were in your mommy's stomach" I explain and she nods.

The next morning, my daughter was snuggled close to me, and i wanted to get up for my morning workout but she needed her rest. After a few minutes, sofia began to stir. she almost kneed me in the manhood but i gotten up from the bed as i untangle myself from her embrace.

published: 3.19.22



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