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after the call ends, i put the phone away. i had a mission to do, and that is to figure out my dad. what he is, and what he does.

after careful researching, there is no way in hell dad can bring in so many money with just being a chief executive officer, or maybe Im dumb. either way, i have a mission to complete , i have exactly 2 weeks before dad arrives.

although I am in charge of the estate since daddy is absent, there were places that the security guards wouldn't let me go in, or go to.

there is this place I wanted to explore, the door leading to the upstairs, the last floor in this mansion that dad doesn't want me to go to.

dad says it's where the house workers live, but I didn't believe  that. as a little girl, sure i believed him, as I made my way towards the door to the 4th floor, the security were making their way back, so of course I had to quickly hustle.

i managed to get up to the 4th floor, and it was blain looking, nothing special, the rug was red, and the decorations weren't as pretty, the vases and ceiling were dusty,  it was like abandoned, nobody taking care of it, so house workers living up here was out the question.

there were many white cloth covering statues or paintings, curious, i peeled the cloth off one of the paintings.

it revealed, my dad as a young boy, maybe my age? he was standing next to someone, who appears to be slightly older, the girl next to him, had two braids to the side, and dimples on both her cheeks. the painting obviously in good shape, and didn't collect dust, then next to her was another person, it was this unfamiliar man.

paintings were really weird, it can have so many meanings, and the people in them can be living such different lives, like my dad. he has me, and so I wonder who the girl is?

what if she's a secret lover! who knows, it isnt like I can ask dad.. i moved along to the next paintings, i almost forgot my real mission, but these paintings will help me figure out my dad.

the next portrait was of my father, obviously older now, he held no expression, and was stoic, i looked back to the painting of when he was younger, the sparkle in his eyes then weren't traceable in the portrait.

moving to the next scene, it wasn't a painting but a model of the mansion we are living in, then little figures standing outside the mansion, my dad, that woman, then that other man and a dog.

it was cute, i proceeded on my journey to explore the 4th floor, it's like walking down memory lane just not my memories.

moving to the last one, my jaws dropped, like I did not expect this, it was a portrait of me???

i was bundled up in the baby blanket , and my nose was scrunched up, and obviously I looked like 4 months old in that picture.

how did my dad..? i was told he never knew me?

so many questions came to my head, is this the big secret he has been keeping? in fact maybe he really was pretending to not know me.

i came across the door, and I opened it, wow, i thought it'd be locked, when I stepped in, it was all pictures of me, a compilation of my childhood, the picture of me and the ice cream, dad pushing me on the swing, my accomplishments, the drawing I made for my dad on thanksgiving. it was like an archive for me.. something flashy caught my eyes, it was this shiny technology pad.

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