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we made it to the school, and it was quite packed.

just great, i thought.

open houses weren't that popular, many of the kids don't even go, and when I think on how the teachers' preparing stuff for open houses just to have no one show up, makes me sad thinking about that.

as expected, the faces on the female teachers' light up the minute they see my father.

although they were happy to see me, it was evident that they were waiting on dad.

it's like this, if you see me, then my dad is not that far away, so we're like a packaged deal

it must be the reason why dad doesn't marry anyone, which I'm happy about, cause if they're dating my dad to marry, they're dating me basically.

like we are a packaged deal, if they don't like me, dad gets rid of them, and so likewise.

"miss sofia! we're so glad to have you here" mrs.knoll exclaims, i wanted to puke, since I could hear the flirtatious tone when she eyed my dad.

"and you, mr.Lawson" she says, extending her hand out for a shake, but my dad gave such a indifferent attitude he hadn't bother to bat a eye at her.

i was internally praising, glad my dad is cold.

"you drew this?" dad asks as we moved onto the art gallery, and i nod.

"I love it. it's done very well" he praises, and I beam.

"thanks dad" i respond, so we carry out the evening of the open house.

then I met with Claudette, when she sees me, she frowns, but when she sees I'm with my dad, suddenly it's a smile.

...a rather fake smile

"sofia, nice to see you" Claudette says, and my dad pays no attention to her.

"you too.." I say uneasy, i itched closer to my dad who was oblivious to the tension in the room.

"I'm sorry for how I act. we should be friends again" Claudette says, and I was already saying no in my head.

if anything she just wants my dad.

"I think I'll pass" i say, emotionless.

i saw her hand turn into a fist clenching in annoyance, before she scoffs off.

"Daddy lets go" i say, realising what I said.

I normally address dad, as dad, and sometimes I slip up saying daddy.

I feel like such a baby when I say it, and I wanted to break that habit.

i was quick to gasp, at what I said, I said it in a public setting as well.

however my dad wasn't even fazed one bit, he responds to whatever I call him.

"then let's go" dad says as we make our way towards the entrance.

and home we went.

i got myself changed for bed, and wished dad a goodnight before turning myself to my room.

i don't even know what I'm good at though, if being I could get paid for each time someone gets a crush on my dad, I'd be so rich.

i WOULDNT even need to work.. but anyways, it was hard going to sleep, I just keep thinking about how I look and I end up comparing myself to everybody else..

it's so hard to be a girl, a lot of people always tell me that I'm just as beautiful as my dad, and again, I'm always placed next to my dad for comparison.

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