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i had not been expecting such a innocent kiss from my daughter, it surprised me, yet the gesture itself was gentle and my body reacted differently and suddenly became possessive of her.

if that's her way of thanking me for buying her the luxuries, she probably would go kissing boys on the lips.. only she can do that to me. that's when i knew my fatherly side had awaken and took over my rational side. now why would angela's father allow her to lose her virginity to me? looking at sofia, she was only 7 years away from being the age when her mother lost her virginity. i can't let her make the same mistakes, of course i had been a reckless teenage boy as well.

on the ride home, my daughter fell asleep so i carried her into my bedroom and laid her gently to let her sleep. i headed back to my office and felix was already standing by my desk.

"Felix." i addressed, "Sir." he responds with a curt nod, "i have a request, is it alright if i become sofia's personal escort." he continues, "..ah, is this what you wanted to ask." i say as i take a seat in my chair, "Felix. doesn't it occur to you that you're getting too close to my daughter?" i ask, Felix is only 5 years younger than me and to me he's like an adult child.

"..how could i be close to her when you're her father. please forgive me for my crime." he says bowing, "i understand, my daughter is just too adorable." i state, "it's not like that-" he starts to say but i cut him off, "i approve, i don't mind her having a personal escort. After all i get to be her father." i say cooly and i knew i won the competition.

"Thank you sir." Felix responds, and i simply nod.

"...you can't date her." i added which Felix turns to me and gives me a disgusted look.

"obviously you wouldn't date her when she's a mere child. but when she's 16. she's off limits." i continued and felix nodded.

'let's just focus on the present, she's 8.' i missed her first words and first steps, i just wanted to reverse time and make her a infant again.

while lost in my thoughts the doors to my office opened and i looked up and saw it was my daughter in her new dress, the dress looked incredibly cute on her. i had to hide my facial expression of wanting to squeeze her cheeks, "papa." i heard her say which i kept a stoic look, "sofia what is it?" i ask, she always is uncomfortable around my presence.

"...i ... your bed..." she starts to say but couldn't finish it.

"what about the bed" i asked, "i peed your bed!" she says exclaiming and now she was in hysterics.

i had gotten out of my seat and knelt to her level, "...stop crying." i asked, kids crying and me did not mix.

"I-i am sorry." she continues to cry, so i was lost at what to do.

i engulfed her into my chest as i lifted her into my arms, "it's okay, don't apologise, we can always get new bed sheets and mattress okay?" i coaxingly said giving her small kisses on her temple, "papa.." she says and i could tell she was beginning to stop crying, 'thank the lord.' i thought, "it's alright, your room is prepared now" i say, "but..what about papa?" she asks, "it's alright, daddy can find a way." i say, but she shook her head, "papa! sleep with me, it's only fair." she says demanding, and it was nice to see she was now comfortable with speaking more casually to me.

"alright, if you're comfortable with that." i responded lightly, she nodded in determination.

"did you get yourself clean?" i ask, and she nodded.

"let's take a bath together." i say, and her eyes widened, "really? a bath?" she asks excitedly.

"of course, and bubble bath too, and rubber duckies" i started to list off what to do.

"okay papa" she says.

i started to prepare the bath, and I already was in my swim trunks so playing in the bathtub wouldn't make me uncomfortable, and thankfully the bathtub was enormous, i helped sofia get into the bathtub slowly without slipping and situated myself before she stood between my thighs and was playing with the bubbles, "papa look!" she says having bubble mustache on her face, i chuckled, "you look adorable." i say and she started to blush.

"am i really?"

"yes, you take after me."

"but mother says i am ugly."

"your mother is wrong, in fact.. you're very beautiful." i pulled her into me and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "so mother is wrong?"

"yes... she is." i say, of course she would tell her she's ugly when she looks like me, Sofia probably became a constant reminder that i left her.

i don't think i would've left without knowing she was pregnant with my child. but of course who knows what angela was thinking about.

after the bath it was time to get out, i had gotten out first and helped sofia out, i helped her wrap a towel around her then i wrapped a towel around my waist, "let's go to a park" i say and her eyes lit up.

"thank you, papa!" she beams and i smiled.

i put her into a casual play clothes, before getting myself into a simple black t shirt and grey khaki shorts.


when i woke up i didn't know I peed the bed and in panic i had to go find papa to tell him my mistake and instead of yelling at me he simply told me it was alright and i knew papa wouldn't ever get mad at me, because he wanted to have a bath with me and it was fun, he told me i am very beautiful and that mom was lying about me being ugly.

'i am happy i take after papa' i was really happy, at least i look like papa, and papa is handsome!

after our bath he helped me into my clothes,  and we were off to the park, and i always wanted to go to a park, and play with other kids but mother never allowed me. papa still looks handsome even in casual wear and he pushed me on the swing and then i met another kid, another girl just like me, except she had freckles and reddish orange hair, "i'm lily!" She introduces and i introduce myself and we played together, then her mother came and when i saw the interaction between her mother and her it made me want daddy.

"lily whose this?" her mother asks in a sweet voice, "im Sofia!" i introduced myself and lily's mom was really kind, "ah, nice to see you making friends lily, sofia where is your parent?" she asks looking around and i couldn't see daddy anywhere but then a voice behind me approached.

"hello, i am the father of sofia." papa introduces himself, and the look on the woman's face was funny, it was like she didn't expect my papa to be young.

"...nice to meet you." she says, and lily was gushing at my father.  "you as well, your daughter and my daughter should have a play date." he says in his usual indifferent voice.

"yes, we should." Lily's mom says, when looking at her, she seems much older than my dad and my mother.

"papa" i say after seeing lily hugging her mom closely, "i want to be up" i say, i decided to be childish, "... you want to be up?" father asks in a confused way, "pick me up!" i exclaim putting my arms up and as a habit it seems papa always picks me up having his hands under my armpits before situating me on his arms, "we will take our leave first." papa says and turning back towards our car and i looked at lily and her mother, i waved them goodbye.

when we arrived home it was dinner already, and food was set out.



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edit: 10.24.22
published: 9.25.21

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