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"wow. How cold was that" Elizabeth says, "she's fine. She is used to it." i state

"You really are your father."

"i am nothing. like my father. don't compare us." i say angrily, my hatred for my father increased more and more as i think about him, "Do you think the way you treated your daughter was appropriate?" she stated flatly.

"i had told her to play, i never invited her back."

"you should've seen the look on her face. After getting rejected by her own father. How incredible." Elizabeth smugly says, "Elizabeth. Do i have to remind you about your place?" menacingly speaking.

"i'm done speaking to you anyways. i don't want to stay for dinner." she says and with that she picks up her purse and leaves.

i have never been treated coldly back, Elizabeth and i would never work, she's too hard to deal with. 'I should go to my daughter now' i left my office, i didn't see her in the living room or dining room, so i checked her playroom but it had been silent.

an odd feeling came to me, it was awfully quiet in the mansion, so i went to her room, i had knocked on the door but received no reply.

i opened the door and she wasn't there either.

i started to, panic i never have been overwhelmed with this emotion. i had immediately ordered all maids to search the premises of my daughter.

Then Trevor tells me that he dropped her off at Lily's assuming i had been okay with it, "Jesus Christ. Trevor you clearly know it's thanksgiving. Why would i allow her to go to Lily's." i say flatly, "Sir.. i am terribly sorry. I had only followed orders."

"next time. Next time... don't fucking just assume i had been okay with it. I will personally write a note to you." i put my hands to my temples as i cursed myself for treating her that way.

"Next time this happens you're fired." i say coldly as i get into my car and reversed out the garage. I arrived at Sandra's place, i had walked briskly to her door and didn't bother knocking, i just let myself in.

at first i was going to demand for my daughter, but the scene presented made me silence myself. My daughter was really happy speaking with Sandra, then lily and her were wearing matching headbands. She truly looks happy.

there was a numbness to my heart that i suddenly felt a sharp pain, "Sandra, I sue you for kidnapping my daughter." i speak up gaining all their attention.

Lily just paled, my daughter didn't bother looking. Sandra looks shock, "sorry? You're the one who said it was okay for her to come over" Sandra defends, which makes me frown.

"Sofia Roselyn Lawson." i uttered every word with purposeful blunt, This time my daughter looks up, "You. Why are you here?" she simply questions imitating me, i furrowed my brows in frustration.

She was staring at me blankly, 'Jesus, she is a fast learner.' she really became a mini version of me.

"..." i stare intensely at my daughter without saying anything, she stares back the same way.

"We're leaving." i said breaking the intense staring contest, "i don't want to go home with papa." she says clenching her fists.

"As long as you are under my care, you will do as i say." i say menacingly, i had been expecting her to back down since i released my darkness, but she stood her ground.

"No. I will not." she uttered those words with confidence, "why don't we all just-" before Sandra could finish her sentence, both me and my daughter shot her a glare.

"...okay then" Sandra says stepping away from the 'arena'

"I hate you papa!" she goes as she starts to cry, 'hah. i win' i knew she lost the battle, those words of hers really did sting.

"No you don't." i say stepping closer to her, "no- don't come close." she says trying to stop herself from crying, "Come here.." i say gently opening my arms, my gaze softening, she hesitated but she had been quick to fall into my arms, burying her face into my torso.

"Let's go home, princess." i say as i give her a kiss on top of her head, i had released her from our hug, i wiped away the remaining tears left on her face. 'is this what it truly means to be a father? showing unconditional love even after being wronged.' i start to wonder, just moments ago i had been very livid with Sofia, and yet all those emotions vanished. All i wanted to do was make her happy.

We left the manor of sandra's, and arrived back for dinner. i was still in shock that my vile emotions just disappeared, does having a daughter really do that to you. Things shortly went back to being the same, however i had changed. i went from giving her cold gestures to now openly doting on her whenever the chance presents itself.

when dinner finished, i grabbed a small black box with red ribbon on top. "baby, this is for you." i tell her, which her eyes light up, "what is it?" she asks, "just open it and you'll see." i said taking my sip of wine, as she opens it her smiles becomes wider, "papa! thank you" she says as she holds up the BVLGARI 'Save the children' necklace, "it's really pretty!!" she continues, "Let me put it on you." i say and she eagerly hands the necklace to me which i put around her neck.

"papa I got something for you too... but it isn't as nice as this." she says now sad. i gently give her a smile, "just being my daughter is a gift, i will always love you." I said, and the word 'love' didn't sit uncomfortably in my mouth, I've never told her that before, and i think just saying that was the biggest present for her, her smile and eyes were even more happier, than when she received the necklace. "oh.. papa" she says then she pulls out a piece of paper, i gracefully accepted the present.

It consisted a drawing of me, and her then on top she had turkey feathers having things she's thankful for. The one written in bold was 'Thank you papa for having me' i smiled at that one, "I think you shoulder thank your mother not me.." i say, but she shakes her head, "no! i don't like mother, and so i thank you" she says.

"come here" i say gently placing the paper down, i need to laminate that.

She came over to me, "Thank you... this present means a lot to me" i say lacing every word with emotion, i never once heard that someone was grateful to have met me, in fact it was always the opposite... and i never had anyone to celebrate thanksgiving with. I now had a reason to enjoy every holiday.

"papa I love you too" she says.

today had its up and downs, but it went smoothly, do i really deserve such an angel?



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published: 9.27.21

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