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my birthday happens on December 3rd, and i was really excited. It was hard to believe that a month ago i had a stare off with my father, i really thought i would be dead meat, but father truly loves me, he even said it! that was the most exciting part. he treated me like a human, his daughter. For the most part he's started to call me pet names and never my actual name, it was weird at first but it was a good thing.

I also get to see Felix now since he's on break, and i don't have to hang out with daddy a lot.

it was a really nice day when i opened my eyes to the sun shining down in my room, i quickly went to the window and saw blankets of snow everywhere!

i was excited to play in the snow i hurried to find daddy. i ran all the way down the hallway barging into his room, papa had been changing as he finishes zipping up his pants, "papa!!" i exclaim running to him, "princess.. what is it?"

"snow! i want to play in the snow can i" i ask

"of course. just get into your snow gears." he responds, i nod. when i finished putting on my playing clothes i asked papa to help put gloves on me, "be back in time for breakfast alright?" papa tells me which i nod before i set off down the stairs.

the morning crisp felt warm on my face as i stepped outside, i invited Felix to build a snowman with me. "shall we go in for breakfast?" Felix asks, when I first met him he was too strict , but since he's been back he's more not strict.

"okay" i respond, Felix guides me back inside the warm building, it was super hot after coming from outside. Felix helped take the snow gear off of me as i threw my gloves onto the bench, and after i take my arms out the jacket holes, Felix hangs my jacket up to dry, then we made it to the dining room.

While walking there, i was getting hungry, so it was pancakes! i sat next to papa as i talk about my fun outside, i went back to my room to get changed.

i didn't really feel good, i felt too hot, then i felt dizzy. "papa" i say meeting him in his bedroom, he was changing into his work clothes. "i don't feel well" I say, "come here." he tells me, i walk up to him, then he places the back of hand on my forehead, "...you were fine moments ago" he says sullenly, before releasing me, "I'll cancel the meeting and reschedule it" he says aloud as he grabs his phone from his back pocket.

i felt bad that i had to disturb him, "papa! im fine really" i say, but papa doesn't believe it. so papa and i watched some Christmas movies, then papa tells me to rest more. "Papa really im okay" i say but papa doesn't even bother to check, "You're too precious" he says caressing my face as he gives a kiss on my forehead.


it had been odd these days, for one i find myself being overprotective with Sofia. i wouldn't even allow her to use a step stool to reach the cookie jar, nonetheless she's just a little bug that could be easily squashed if i allowed it. when she fell sick, i became a worried father. constantly attending her needs, then insisting that she should refrain from doing high energy activities. im sure it's just the cold, but i even made sure she was bundled up for going outside... i failed as a parent.

The meeting had been a really critical breaking point for the company, but my daughter comes first. i could have Felix care for her, but something inside me just wouldn't allow it. perhaps it was me making up for the passed 8 years i've missed. i assumed it would take much longer to adjust to being a father, and having a child around but it all just came naturally.. i had been situated on my bed scrolling on my phone, as my daughter helps herself into my bed, and decides to plop herself between my thighs, "papa" she goes, "yes?"

"..." she just stares at me, not saying anything.

"...?" i stare back with a perplexed look, "papa" she says again.



"what is it"



"papa" by this time i started to lose my patience but i've been training myself to be more patient.

"hello daddy!" she exclaims giggling now.

"you little shi-" i stopped myself from cussing, "Haha! papa" she giggles, i have to admit her giggles sound angelic, and makes me want to make her more happy.

"hello daughter" i respond with a gentle smile, as i place my phone to the side, "papa! i can go on your phone!" she says, "for what? it's all boring stuff" i respond, "i still wanna be on it"

"alright" i say handing my phone to my 8 soon to be 9 year old daughter. "the password is your birthday" i tell her, which she gained access to my phone.

"papa! this is me" she exclaims showing me the Home Screen wallpaper of her eating ice cream, "of course" I respond smiling.

"papa!" her voice suddenly is loud, "yes sweetheart." i respond.

"where do babies come from?" she asks, which completely caught me off guard, "i don't know... you tell me?" i respond sounding genuine as much as possible, "...hmm babies come from storks!" she says confidently.

"haha, who told you that?" i chuckle, "lily! she says babies come from storks"

"so if you knew where they came from, why did you ask me?"

"because i wasn't sure if Lily was right since papa is smart!"

"thank you.. and perhaps lily is correct" i say ruffling sofia's hair, "papa can i have a brother?" she asks.

i look at her surprised, "...and when do you want a brother?" i ask, "hmm, by dinner time" she says innocently, i cracked a smile at her innocence, "honey...sweetie... baby. I don't think daddy could give you a brother within that time frame" i solemnly say.

"well it's okay, i get papa all to myself" she says switching her mind, "i feel honoured"

"as you should daddy." she boops my cheek, "how are you feeling?" i ask, "i feel better! can i go outside"


"why not?"

"you're still sick."

"but papaaaa" she says dragging the 'a'



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published: 10.02.21

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