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it was grateful daddy was worried for me, but i didn't want lily to leave, and he let that happen. i was mad at him, but i couldn't stay mad. papa hasn't yelled at me, and I didn't want to upset him further. it was hard to think papa was worried over me, and now he acts cold expecting me to wash up on his orders.

i got tired of listening to what daddy says, so i told him that but i still had to wash my hands. papa switches his mood too much it bothers me, and there isn't anything that I can do about that.

one minute he loves me, then he finds me annoying, then he wants me away, and ugh i don't like it. when i came down for dinner, papa was  not there. so I sat and didn't eat, then papa and butler Trevor came, "sofia. why are you not eating?" Papa questions staring at me blankly, "i was waiting for papa" i responded, "ah.. i am sorry i kept you waiting. next time i'll make sure to finish my work fast." he comes towards me giving a kiss to my forehead.

shortly after dinner, daddy tells me to go take a shower which i do, and papa doesn't know i shower in cold water. i hate showering! when i finished my shower, i didn't want to put my clothes on. papa isn't around to stop me.

i walked out of my bathroom, then out of my bedroom through the hallways, and i saw papa making his way down. i gulped. he's going to forcibly put clothes on me, "sofia, what have i told you about being naked." he starts to say, "but i see papa shirtless all the time!" i try to defend myself.

"..." papa stares at me emotionlessly,

I stare back, "..."

"stop being so cheeky." he finished, he started to pick me up but i kept squirming in his grasp. "papaaa im not going anywhere after dinner! why have clothes" i whine as papa brings me back to my room, and starts grabbing my nightgown, "i want papa's clothes" i say, "as a punishment for being naked again, you have to sleep in your own clothes." he tells me finishing putting underwear on me, and pulling down the nightgown.

"agh, this is not comfortable" i cross my arms, "you need to learn to wear clothes." he states before kissing me on the cheek, "ew, i don't want daddy's germs" i wiped my cheek, ".." daddy looks at me.

"you. you're being difficult." he wraps up our conversation as he walks out my room.


after my daughter left to wash her hands, i had gone to my office to finish up some documents. when i had been in more office for a longer extended period of time, Trevor came to inform me that my daughter wouldn't touch her food. So of course i went to investigate, at first i was upset with her but when she said she was waiting on me. It had made me guilty, so to make up for it i wanted to try to finish my work up quickly.

Both of us had a pleasant dinner, she told me what she and lily had been up to prior to the incident. soon after i wanted her to go clean up before bed, and after i finished the last pieces of the document i wanted to see how my daughter was doing.

'what else was i expecting' i internally rolled my eyes when approaching my naked daughter, for god sakes she wasn't even wearing underwear. at times like these i was glad she was on the same floor as me, i didn't want her to be seen indecent towards my workers. as usual i forced her to put clothes on, and like always she kept whining every minute of it.

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