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Returning back to school, I met with Claudette, she looks my way then returns back to gazing out to space. I ignored her and simply sat next to her as teacher began today's lessons.

I always wondered if Claudette was okay, but nothing was pointing out that she wasn't fine except for the way she behaves with me.

there had been a new kid that was joining our school, his name was Leon, he was a really cute kid, gosh im talking like some old granny praising their grandsons.

"Class this is Leon, he will be joining us, please welcome him" The teacher says, I casually watch Leon making his way to the desk next to mine, Claudette had been eyeing him like a hawk since the poor kid entered the room.

the class as usual was boring, but if I want to be as smart as daddy I had to suffer. Claudette brushes pass me as she bumps me with her shoulder, i gave a very confused look, "hey, what's your name?" Leon asks, he had curly hair blonde hair, and dimples when he would smile.

"hi i'm sofia" i smile politely, "that's a pretty name, for someone pretty as you" he says which earns a nervous laugh from me, i wasn't really used to boys complimenting me.

"Thank you!"  I say, not knowing what else to say, "of course" then he leaves the room, and I follow behind. It was now the last period of the school, which was chorus for me, since I didn't want to take up band or orchestra. i can't wait to start high school in a few years.

"how was school?" dad asks me as i got into his car, "it was okay, actually there was this new kid, his name is Leon" i started to say, i was anticipating on daddy's reaction to hearing about the boy, but his face was unreadable, i could not decipher what he was thinking. "and is he a good kid?" he inquired as we pulled away from the school building.

"Well yeah I like to think so" i responded and before long we arrived home.

i really miss Lily, i just wish my dad would let me be friends with her, she even was forced to have her schedule completely swapped out, and i don't like that. I rarely see her, and that's exactly what dad wanted. i decided not to dwell much on it, and just focus on math, then when I gave up on doing the homework i turned to bothering dad.

"papa did you know that a mallard duck has a corkscrew shaped penis." I start to say, dad immediately choked on the glass of water he sipped on, "pardon?" he goes after coughing.

"yeah it's true i learned it at school" i continue casually, "...sweetie what" he says looking astonished at me, "yeah and that a female has a corkscrew shaped vagina" i proceeded, "no, sweetie you don't have to continue." he says as he tries to process what I just said.

"okay what class did you learn that in?" he questions, "i learned it in science! dad is there a problem with that?" I ask, "well, no, but that was just a shock" he says, "daddy im not a little girl" i start to say, "but you're my little girl" he defends.

i sigh, how am i gonna get my story straight when my dad sees me as a 5 year old, and my school sees me as a 12 year old. "did you finish your homework?"

"hmmm i need help with it" i say,

So dad helps me with my maths, and of course you can't go without crying over a stupid problem.

"..if 25 is the square root of 5, what would 144?" dad repeats, "...that's 12!" I say frustrated, "good! now if the list is soh, cah, toa, what would you use for the hypotenuse" he continues, "well if we aren't looking for the adjacent then it's sine over hypotenuse" i retorted

.....yeah never doing math again with dad, "im hungry" i say, after an hour doing math with dad.

"well solve this last equation then you can eat" he goes, which receives a groan from me, "dad don't you see I'm starving, i could die at this very moment" i say trying to convince him.

"fine, go to the snack bar" he sighs, i smile sheepishly as i got off the chair and went to the snack bar located behind the kitchen.

it was a few weeks into school, and Claudette as usual was being a complete jerk to me, i of course didn't tell dad because who knows what my daddy would do.

i guess I am indirectly saving Claudette from his wrath, but eh she deserves it right?

anyways, i became fast friends with Leon and I found out that Leon's dad was working for my dad, which made me interested.

"we should hang out, after school" Leon says, which i agreed but i had to ask for dad's permission, "oh come on, you're like almost a teenager, you shouldn't have to ask for permission" he starts to say, i was taken back, since he's always sweet so for him to say something like that made me not like him. I always tell and ask my dad everything, if he wants to be my friend he has to be friends with my daddy. That's my only condition, of course people have met my daddy and they would run away crying.

i guess i just am blind to what they see in my daddy.

i already forgotten what happened with leon and me, so i proceeded to my dad's car.

After dinner, i wanted to cuddle with daddy. i grabbed my blanket and dad was already sitting on the couch, he was working on his computer as usual. he just wore simple shirt and sweat pants, his sweat pants are really comfy to wear even if they're really big on me..

i skipped towards his direction with my blanket in my arms, "daddy!" i say excited, and he notices my presence and welcomes me into his arms.

so, i ended up sitting beside daddy as he went back to his computer, i really wanted dad to not work for tonight. since it is a Friday night..

i stretched my arm out and legs to get his attention, then i yawned and nothing. i sprawled myself to his lap, and he didn't even acknowledge except he started to pet my hair.

"dad" i say annoyed that he isn't giving me attention, "mhm?" he says as he continues to play with my hair. "we should watch a movie" i say, "sure, go pick out a movie or browse one" he says indicating to the movie cabinet and the remote.

"hmmm okay" i say getting off the couch and leaving my blanket still on dad's lap.

my eyes started to feel heavy as i nodded inwards to dad.


Friday and i still have the presentation to finish.

when I finished the last few slides, my daughter was already getting impatient with me, so I set aside my work for the time being and ended up watching "Enola Holmes" of course as usual she ended up dozing off, and never fully finishing a movie. Regardless of how much she says she'll stay awake, nonetheless i didn't complain, it was times like these I get to see her sleep soundly as a baby.

when the credits rolled in, i carefully picked the remote up shutting the television off. i glanced back and sofia is still sleeping, i know that i shouldn't be babying her too much now that she's almost a teenager.., but as her father i still see her as my little girl.

i carried her up to her room, gently placing her on the bed.

i returned to my bedroom, and opened up my laptop, revising the slides and making sure everything was perfect.

published: 2.27.22



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