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I opened  my eyes to see i was hanging upside on daddy's bed. papa had awaken up too, he was in his morning sleepy voice, "baby don't move" he with raspiness to his voice, "huh? why not?" i ask but daddy had lifted my legs and moved them aside, "okay now you can move." he says as sits up on his bed, "what was that for papa?"

"you were going to hurt daddy if you moved your legs." he says giving me my morning kiss on the forehead, "im hungry" i say, changing the subject now. "let's grab breakfast"

with that, we go to breakfast. my birthday now is in 4 days which i was excited for! i get to be 9 and papa says when i am 9 i can go to bed later.

i was really excited for my birthday, that the 4 days came by really slowly but eventually my birthday came!

just a day before, my friends, claudette, and lily did a surprise party for me, we had tons of cakes and food, then toys! papa had bought lots of cool stuff, then on my official day of my birth. papa really has gone insane.

when I woke up, the first thing I see is a table, and on that table was a glass case of a crystallised winter tree, the winter tree that i always wanted. but papa says it's one of a kind and is very rare.

beside the glass case had a note, 'happy birthday princess, get ready, we'll be going somewhere.' i quickly gotten ready, and brushed my teeth and met papa in the foyer.

"good morning baby." he says welcoming me in his warm embrace, "thank you papa!" i say, i never noticed how tall papa really is, i barely even reach his chest.

i hug his torso more than himself, "what are you thinking so deeply about?" papa asks me as he boops me on my nose, "that papa is handsome" i say looking up at him, "i feel touched." he says, giving me a pat on the shoulder, it was true.

papa is handsome, but I wasn't thinking about that, "papa where is this place?" I ask as papa helps me into the car, "papa! i can do it myself" i continue as i start to buckle myself, "it's a surprise, and are you sure about that? you still sleep with me." he says as he slides into the seat next to me.

"that's because i hate storms!" i say defending myself, "my scaredy cat." he says putting his arms around me, "papa!"

"im joking love."

"good" i look out the window and try to figure out where we are going, "papa where is this?" i ask.

"patience, love"

"that doesn't help me!"

"we're here." he says as the car stops, i look out and see a building, "what is this?"

"i want you to meet my, mother. your grandmother." he says, i looked at him confused.

"my grandmother?" I repeat, "yes. you'll be on your best behaviour right?" he asks a bit short, suddenly the warm air around him vanished, he was cold again.

"yes daddy" i say in a quiet voice, when arriving to the building, the atmosphere changed, it became more icy, more still. the door was like looming over me, daddy had been in front of me as he opens the door for me, "father." daddy says in a cold, and very expressionless way, the man before us is my grandfather? "diego. is this the daughter you speak of" the man says matching daddy's cold demeanour.

"yes, she's the daughter I conceived while away from home." daddy says bringing me closer to his side, conceived? that's a word I've never heard before, daddy's father wasn't old, but he wasn't young. he truly is my grandfather? "i see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." my grandfather tells daddy, as we make it to the dining room, and i saw a woman with blonde hair sitting in a chair, 'is that my grandmother?' i wondered, "Mom, meet Sofia." father introduces me, i suddenly became timid, but I didn't want them to think of me as a shy girl, "hello!" i say full of energy as i give them my cutest smile.

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