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i was already in the 3rd week of school, and the routine was easy to follow. daddy wakes me up, drops me off, and repeat. we had a few days off for thanksgiving. Felix had to leave for college, daddy told me that Felix is my personal escort.

i was super excited for thanksgiving, i had made a paper turkey for papa with writings on what i am thankful for. one being is daddy having me, then him being the best daddy. lily and i would see each later this afternoon, i was excited to have her over.

i was getting so anxious to have her over that i couldn't finish my lunch. papa looks at me perplexed, "is that all you're eating?" he asks casually, "i can't wait to see lily." i say, "well, don't forget to eat." he says, but i gave him a pout.

"...don't use those on me." he says looking away, "may be excused!" i questioned then i heard the door bell. "she's here!" i say excited, sliding off the chair and running to greet her.

"wow! sofia this is your house!" lily gushes as she comes inside with her mother following along, "it's papa's!" i say, and just as i said that papa came walking elegantly as he greets them.

"Sandra." Father says as he stares at her, and it was clear sandra looked intimidated by daddy. i grabbed onto lily's hand, "come! let's play" i guided her to my playroom.

"wow! this is all yours." lily was going all over the playroom to see the toys, i really was obsessed with my little ponies so daddy bought the entire collection!

"i love it" lily says and we start to play.  "sofia i'm hungry" lily starts to say, "me too!" we set the toys down and hurried out the playroom. when we arrived to the dining hall, papa was nowhere to be seen, and our permanent butler, Trevor, had been standing by the wall with the usual handkerchief resting on his arm.

"Young miss, how can i help you?" he formally asks noticing our entrance, "me and lily are hungry" i responded, "would vanilla pudding be alright?" he says, and i nodded. Lily started to eat hers, so I did the same. "did you get 100 on that test?" lily asks me, "no, i got 92 but that's still really good!" i responded, "Mommy says i have to get 100 on it and 90 doesn't cut it" lily responds a bit sad, "well daddy told me that as long as i try my hardest i did my best"

"Your daddy seems nice, but why does he always make me feel invisible?" she questions, i start to smile "that's just the way he is!" i respond, "really? It must be tough for you then" she was concerned, "it's okay though, when it's just daddy and me he is a good daddy" i had finished my vanilla pudding.

"that's good! i wish my daddy was with me, things would be different now" lily says which makes me curious, "where is your daddy?"

lily suddenly shut her eyes and finally opens them, "he's in heaven" she says, heaven..? i don't think I ever heard of that before, "where is that?"

she looks at me like i was just born yesterday, "it's where people who die go" she tells me which i was sad for her, "im sorry" was all i said. in order to cheer her up i decided we should watch a really funny show, she did cheer up.

"lily wanna go outside?"


"okay great! let me ask daddy" with that i went to check his office, cause normally he's in there. daddy was there! i went up to his desk and he appears to be really busy.

so I decided to exit but before i could i heard papa call for me, "just because you're my daughter. makes you think you can barge into my office?" he dishearteningly says as he gets out of his seat and walks towards me, "i. i am sorry" i say looking to the ground, "come here" he commands, i looked up and he had his arms wide open.

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