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I finished eating breakfast, so daddy helped me into the backseat and drove off to a whole sales club. Papa says while we shop i can't venture off or get out of his line of sight, i skipped alongside Papà as we walked towards the store.

papa pulled me back which startles me, "papa?" i ask, and i didn't see the car driving pass, "Always pay attention to your surroundings." papa sternly says before he holds my hand as we walk across the road, "okay daddy" i say and we enter the store.

papa had to pull out some gold card to verify his entrance, "papa why doesn't Trevor do this work?" i ask as papa pulls the cart and we go to the yummy section. papa doesn't reply for a minute, "...because why not" he says taking a box of chocolates off the shelf and into the cart, "papa can we get this too!" i say grabbing the gummy worms, "i suppose so, put it in the cart." he tells me which i happily put.

we finished shopping after 30 minutes, daddy buys the stuff so we exit the building, and the man who checked over our stuff drew a smiley face for me.

"That's for you, cutie!" the man standing by the door tells me handing the receipt to me, i blushed at the compliment, "thank you!" i beam, i felt a intense atmosphere change, it was like daddy had black smoking coming off of him which made the man by the door turn pale.

"Let's go." Papa takes my hand as we back to the car, papa always gets that way when someone compliments me which makes me mad at him.


of course my daughter is adorable, but hearing another man saying that made my blood boil, i felt myself glaring at the man till he turned pale. i didn't understand why these emotions would surface, i never been possessive before. later for dinner, i invited a lady friend of mine over, i was hoping that my friend, elizabeth could be a mother figure for my daughter, of course elizabeth had been a ex fling of mine.

we arrived back home, and i let Trevor take care of the decorating, i busied myself in my office as my daughter was who knows where.

Trevor let Elizabeth into my home briefly after i left my office, i had invited her over earlier to get her better acquainted with my daughter. "Diego, it's good to see you." Elizabeth says as she extends her hand out, i give her hand a firm shake, "Could say the same." i state coldly, then my daughter came skipping down the stairs, "Be careful you'll fall-" i start to say but I found myself catching her as she tripped over the last step, "You. You can't hurt yourself." i said as i released her, turning my attention back to Elizabeth, "papa, who is she?"
my daughter questions, Elizabeth's eyes were wide in surprise, "A mini Diego, what a lovely sight." she says after registering her shock, "Yes, this is Sofia, and baby this is Elizabeth." i introduce the two.

Elizabeth sticks her hand out to shake my daughter's but she didn't accept the shake, instead she hid behind me, "Sofia what a pretty girl, you sure are your father's daughter." Elizabeth remarks, my daughter stays silent for a brief moment.

"i don't like you." my daughter says, which shocks both me and Elizabeth, "ah, she definitely is your daughter'" Elizabeth says faking a smile, "did you set her up?" she continues, i looked at her expressionless, "Why do you question that? i don't believe in dictating my daughter's opinion on others." i state nonchalantly, "Sofia. What is it about the woman you dislike?" i turn to ask my daughter, "i don't know" sofia responds almost in a whisper before tugging at the hems of my pants to be picked up.

on demand, i lifted sofia into my arms as she wraps her arms around my neck, "She's 8, why do you treat her like a baby." Elizabeth starts to say, "Do you have a daughter?" i ask ignoring the snide comment, "...no" she says, "then i don't see why it's your place to question my parenting. As long as she's happy, i don't see the problem."

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