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now we were only a day away from her first day of second grade, so i took her to the park in hopes that lily and her mother would be there, and fortunately they were, i was able to exchange numbers with her mother and i was stunned to find out she in fact is sending her daughter, lily to the school.

"is that so?" i say amused, Lily's mother was actually quite kind, and was tolerable. "yes, so i hope lily and sofia becomes great friends."

"and what is your name?" I asked, "im sandra, what about you?" she asks, "Diego" i responded.

"Diego, what about the mother of sofia?" sandra asks me, "she isn't in the picture." i say smiling, "wow.. it must be tough raising a daughter on your own, do you at least have female friends?" she asks me, i didn't like the way this was going.

"no, all females are after me for my money or looks." i say casually shrugging, "and raising sofia on my own isn't that bad." I added,

"how about when she gets to the age where she menstruates?" sandra continues, i guess i never thought that far, "we will cross that bridge when the time comes." i say, 'she has a fair point.' i sighed and my daughter came up to me handing me a blue flower, "papa for you!" she says and i accepted it before i was able to say thank you she raced back to the playgrounds. "your daughter.. she really loves you." Sandra remarks and i nodded in agreement, "yes. it appears so." i stated.

"you know, lily had always been a daddy's girl, but with the job of my husband, he died on duty, so lily has hard times seeing others with their fathers." sandra explains, 'what a bombshell.' i never been put in such an awkward situation before, i didn't know how to think about it, and i couldn't bring myself to sympathise with her since my father was completely an asshole.

"sorry to hear that, and sorry for your loss." i simply said, "oh it's alright, it's been 3 years, and we're coping." she says, 'lady. I could care less about your life' i mentally said but just kept silent.

"sofia is definitely a daddy's girl though, she resembles you so much." she continues, call me a narcissist but i love it when people praise me.

lily lost her father when she was 5, that must be tough. i tried to imagine sofia losing me when she's only 8, and i didn't like the thought of that so i brushed those unwanted thoughts aside.

after the exchanges with sandra, it was time to take my daughter home.

"sofia come here" i commanded and she jumped off the swings and ran up to me, "don't do that, you could seriously get hurt." i say frowning at what she just did, "sorry papa" she says.

"it's alright." i say waving goodbye to lily and sandra.

my daughter quickly ran to the bathroom and i shrugged off my jacket, and Felix had welcomed me back, "i forgot to tell sofia" i said and felix nodded, "felix when does college start for you?" i asked, he pondered for a second, "it doesn't start for another month." he says which i made a mental note.

it's not like he's going to be working for me for the rest of his life.


hanging out with lily was super duper fun, we went on the slides then swings and monkey bars, and her mother was talking a lot to my papa, "lily what do you think your mom is saying to my papa" i ask and she thinks for a moment, "i don't really know" lily responds, "are you going to Oakland academy?" i asked, "yeah! i always been there." she responds, "yay! me too"

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