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time just felt slow, especially during the day. school came and went, it was already time for the finals until summer. there isnt any further update about my dad, so i guess I should quit the search.

dad trusts me that I can take care of myself, but he's so overprotective that i can't even hang out with guys, even if there is another girl there.

"dad. please, can i go?" i press, I wanted to hang out with Jace, Ezra, and Chloe.

i could see dad pondering, which is a good sign, because he usually is quick to say no, especially if im going to be spending time with two boys.

"you studied for the finals?" he inquires, "yeah"

"what will you guys be doing?"

"grab a meal at like Olive Garden, then just shoot some hoops" i responded, with hopes that he'll let me hang with them.

"sure. just text me when you want to get picked up, and I'd like to have a Live Photo of you guys each hour." dad responds,

"ohh thank you dad!!" i say enthusiastically,
giving dad a hug and a kiss to his cheek, "you're welcome, baby" he says kissing me on the forehead.

jace's dad had been able to pick me up, and Ezra, chloe were already in the backseat.

"guys! i cant believe my dad finally let me hang" i start to say, "yeah that's so crazy. i didnt think you'd be able to hang with us" Chloe says, "i know, so let's cherish the moment" i finished.

we made it shortly to Olive Garden, and we got our seats, it's funny to see some of the other girls our age, looking at jace and Ezra.

i mean jace is good looking, and Ezra is like attractive, they're both attractive. but i wouldnt date them.

jace has the typical soft boy look, whereas Ezra is like the fuckboy look.

"ladies first" Ezra says as he helps me onto the booth, then sliding in after me.

i could definitely see Chloe dating Jace, she's practically all over him, and he does the same too.

both, Ezra and I, gave each other the look, 'here we go again' the two constantly being love birds, but they claim to not be dating.

"guys. bros before hoes" i say, which Chloe gives me her blushing and annoyed look.

if an outsider were to look at our friend group, I'd be considered the most responsible, and ezra would be the dad of the group, and chloe would be the irresponsible and chaotic one, while jace is the trouble maker.

considering ezra is like a fuckboy he's the most responsible, so im not surprised that my dad lets me hang with him.

Ezra is 2 years older than me, and jace a year older than me, then Chloe is a year younger than me.

our food came, and I love their unlimited soup and breadstick, its the best thing to ever be invented.

we're probably at the age that turns everything dirty, because im somehow friends with dirty minded people.

although I'm lucky to say I still am innocent, thanks to Ezra.

"you know that one scene when Edward says to Bella, 'Don't come.'" Chloe starts to say, which erupts a laugh from jace, "guys i don't get it" i say, I glanced to Ezra, "they're just pigs" Ezra says looking at me, ignoring the other two.

"but I just want to be in on the jokes too" i begin to say, I always felt left out when i didnt understand a joke.

"the jokes arent funny anyways" Ezra concludes, and sometimes I'd see my dad in him, like the authoritative and serious tone.

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