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a few weeks had gone by, and i think i mastered the art of being a father, however still needed to work on my bedside manners, and to not act so cold to her.

of course i wouldn't find myself openly doting on my daughter, it was just uncomfortable, but I did care deeply for her so i allowed her to sit in my chair and she even started to sleep in my t shirts, she tells me my t shirts are more comfy and soft than her nightgowns.

and one thing i found out about my daughter is.. whenever she gets the chance she'd simply strip. in fact she hates having too much clothes on her that she would,  rather run around the entire mansion naked if i allowed her.

"hehe papa is too slow" she says wiggling her naked butt at me as i was trying to catch her to put clothes onto her, i had found it amusing and it kept my in shape with the running.

"baby for the love of god, please put clothes on." i say as i have her trapped in a corner, i had her clothes clenching in my hands as i attempted to put her shirt over her head but she dodged and escaped between my legs, "jesus. why are you so short?" i pondered aloud, 'that or i am just tall.' It could've of been both.

anyways so that's how my morning went but i needed her in her nice dress for the opening house at her school.

eventually i was able to put a dress on her and the opening house would start in 10 minutes, we had 10 minutes to get there. "now stop fidgeting." i commanded as she kept on playing with her dress while seated in the car, "but it's not comfy" she complains, "just bear with it for a little bit." I say before turning into the school.

As expected her private school was elegant,  and met all the criteria of a perfect school for her. When we entered, we met with the head administrator ⋯。 then we met the headmaster, "welcome please find your seats" as the headmaster led us to the auditorium, i situated myself in the third row and my daughter sat beside me, she kept looking around and i feared that the other kids would pick on her.

i don't want them to think i abused her and neglected her as a parent.

of course shiny things and fancy stuff always amazed her, i tried my best to introduce her to luxuries as much as possible before the start of her 2nd grade, 'perhaps public school would've been the better option...' i thought but i couldn't back out now.

by the time the opening house ended, we had went to pick up school supplies for her and a very nice backpack for her then some luxury notebooks.

i wanted her to have the best, and be the biggest shining star at her academy. i had gone to the same private school as her when i was younger and i knew what the people were like, and i met up with some old friends and some where surprised to hear i have a daughter, when i am only 23 years old.

i finally got tired of hearing it and the shocks they had so i learned to ignore it.

it appears my former professor for math is still the same, but slightly older now.

"Diego! what a nice surprise to see you here." professor Emerita greets me and sees me with a child, "ah! this is a lovely surprise, i can't wait to see if your daughter is a better and more obedient student than you." Emerita says which made me roll my eyes, "i hope she is." i say holding my daughter's hand, "sofia this is miss Emerita, she's your math teacher, and she's always had been mine." i say which my daughter lights up with sparkles, "nice to meet with you, Teacher Emerita." my daughter says formally bowing, and my former teacher was astonished at how well mannered she was, "and for the record you still look 30" i say even though she's now 45 years old, still young.

"well miss sofia, your father has always been the trouble maker." she begins to say, "alright you don't have to mention my past." i say rolling my eyes.


i hated wearing clothes and i made mornings difficult for papa, but eventually he managed to convince me and then we had to go to a school opening house which i was not excited about, but i found out the math teacher i would have is the same teacher papa had when he was my age, which made it more enjoyable.

i wanted to know stories of papa but he silenced the teacher and teacher emerita was really nice, i guess school wouldn't be bad as i expected!

i think daddy finally noticed my hair was too long and it needed trimming, so papa took me to a hair stylist, papa sat in one of the chairs and there was no one else around in this place, 'is papa really that scary?' i tried to sit still but i hated sharp things near me, so daddy was asked to be present in the room with me and he told the stylist what he wanted and how much they would take off.

they had taken 10 inches off, and when i looked in the mirror my hair looks so different, i now looked pretty.

i could see papa was trying to hide his facial expression of wanting to dote on me, he does that weird thing to his face all the time when he tries to suppress his emotions.

"parfait, bien." he says in a foreign language as the hair stylist was happy to hear whatever he told her, "thank you" she says happily. "let's get ice cream" papa tells me and i hold onto daddy's hand as we walk back to his car, "papa thank you" i say and he nods curtly at me, which i felt sad. I thought we had gotten closer but maybe I misinterpreted things between us.

"Papa i want to see lily" i say remembering the first friend I made, I was hoping she went to the same school as me, because school would start in 2 days and i was really nervous.

"You want to see lily?" he retorts and i nodded, "...i don't know if i have their number." he says pondering, "..then i hope to see her at school." i say and papa just nodded. We arrived at a ice cream parlour and i wanted what daddy was having so i ended up eating daddy's ice cream, which was really good. Each time i tried to let daddy have some of his ice cream i would have it on the spoon but then put the spoon in my mouth then i went to grab another scoop, but i failed to not eat the ice cream before daddy could have it. Then i got a scoop and was close to daddy's mouth but i put the spoon in my mouth.

"..." daddy looks at me not saying anything after my last attempt of trying to share ice cream with him, i blushed and didn't bother looking at daddy.

"papa, sofia is sorry" i say trying to act cutely to lessen his anger at me, but i don't think he would get mad at me. "no need to apologise." he says, and so we headed back home.

going home was always fun, i got to know a bit of daddy's music and some of it were in foreign languages i couldn't understand, or as papa would say it would not be kid friendly music.


it was cute seeing my daughter fail to let me have a taste of my own ice cream,  as she would finish it before it would land to my mouth.

i attempted to keep a stoic expression but failed as i cracked a smile at my daughter's cuteness, 'i swear she's going to be the death of me' i helped her into the car and i drove us back home, then she went off to the powder room to wash her hands and i went to make myself a cup of coffee.

when she had gotten her hair cut it was nice to see her new transformation, she had been cute before but now she's just too adorable. 'perhaps i should keep her homeschooled' i wanted all the cuteness to myself.

"papa play with me!" she demands as she skips down the hallway making her way into the kitchen, "what do you want to play, baby." i responded, i finally had gotten used to giving my daughter pet names, without cringing on my part.

"hide'N'Seek!" she exclaims, "alright i'll count to 30." i say and she goes off to hide as i start to count.

"...ready or not here I come" i made my voice a bit louder, and of course i heard her giggles, so it pretended not to know where she was.

her giggles had echoed down the hallways and bouncing off the walls, it was such an odd noise to hear.



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