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the suns ray crept into my room, while my face was buried deep into my blankets, my eyes started to adjust itself to the light while stretching my arms out.

my hair was a complete mess, my eyes trailed down to my lap and i was not in my pajamas, i immediately got out of the bed and went off to the bathroom as i pulled down my pants, i noticed spots of red sitting on my underwear.

i could not help but shriek like a complete idiot.

daddy flew the door open and he looked like he was working out a few moments ago, i felt myself get red at the embarrassment.

"baby, what is it? what's wrong? are you hurt?" daddy starts to say, as he examines my entire body, "daddy!" i panicked as i show him the red spots on my underwear, "what is that???!" i continue as i studied daddy's face but he wasn't scared, he was more composed.

"daddy! is this bad? say something" i say as the silence continues to linger, "you are turning to a woman now" he starts to say, "daddy? what does that mean???" i ask concerned, aren't i already a girl?

"we'll talk more later, for now, take a shower, get changed" he commands, i nod without protesting.

daddy leaves the premises of the bathroom, i turn the shower on before taking off my clothes, it'll give it time to let it warm up.

so i kept the shower running, and i stepped into the shower as the hot water hit my body.

when i finished taking the shower, daddy knocks at the door, i grabbed my towel and opened the door for daddy, he stands there with a brown bag next to him, "daddy what is that?" i ask curious what' in it, "well, sweetie, since you've entered womanhood i picked up supplies" he retorts as he starts to unpack the contents onto the counter.

"dad but i am a girl already" i say, still not following.

"baby, those red spots you've seen on your underwear is blood, blood means your period started." daddy pauses to see if i was following.

"but why?" i inquire, "I'll tell you more after you put them on your underwear" he says,

"daddy... how am i suppose to put them on" i ask,

i felt so pathetic asking dad for help, he's a man for gods sake, how would he know? why would he know more than me? that makes me so embarrassed.

"let me show you." he goes as he opens the first packet, it was such a weird shape to me, it was long and it has wings then when dad folded the wings under, it was a bit too complex to me, it looks easy to do when dad does them,

"daddy does this mean you do this too?" i ask in a whisper, daddy looks me dead in the eyes, "daddy?" i ask confused why he's giving me that look.

"honey i am a man, not a woman" he says, "but how do you know to do this?" i inquire, "well," he starts to say, his face suddenly turned sullen but it's like a light switch and the face he made was gone, "don't worry about that, you should be glad i know these stuff" he continues, i sheepishly smile, "yes, thank you daddy" i say.

with that, daddy helped me with the first packet and he wanted to see me try putting the pad on as dad calls it.

"there you go! you're a fast learner" he praises me which earns a big smile to my face.

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