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The image of the dead body in the shed was still fresh in my mind, i thought i'd be able to sleep on my own but i ended up having to sleep with daddy.

I was really happy that lily would stay with us for a few days but i never was told why, did her mom not want her anymore like my own mother didn't want me. The chef made pancakes for us, and lily was already in the kitchen, and i couldn't wait on daddy to have breakfast so i exited daddy's room and got changed into new clothes and switched out my pads.

"Lily why are you spending time at my house?" I went straight to the point, "my ,.. My mom she died" she says which brings a whole new flashes of nightmares to me, the body i saw was of her moms'... it did not settle well with me, my appetite suddenly went off.

"Does your daddy still not like me? I mean he did tuck me to sleep" she says, "i don't think my daddy hates you, or dislikes you" i say but a new emotion emerged i was now feeling jealous, what if dad no longer loves me? I tried to brush those feelings aside, dad loves me.

Daddy finally makes it to breakfast and it was like he forgot that lily is staying with us because he came down in sweatpants and no shirt on.

I looked to lily and her mouth was opened she looks ready to drool, "that's my father..." I say in a whisper which brings her out of the trance, "right sorry" she says quickly. "My apologies, i had forgotten you were staying with us" daddy says and he goes back upstairs then comes back down with a white t shirt on.

Lily almost looked disappointed, and me on the other hand was mortified.. My friend, my very first friend has a crush on my dad. I know my dad isn't a ugly man but like why???? I was disgusted.

The rest of the day was spent indoors, i did not want to go outside after what happened last time, so me and lily played board games while daddy was busy working.

However sometimes i'd notice daddy being there for lily when she was crying, i mean i would want someone to comfort me too, but why did it have to be my daddy? The emotions were finally starting to get too strong, i almost wanted to push her down the stairs but i'd stop myself and when I saw that she was crying and was in my daddy's arms for comfort.

I was really upset, I stormed away from the scene and went up to my bedroom. Maybe he'll love lily more than he loves me, maybe she'll be my replacement... i was too tired and upset to think more so with that i fell asleep.


When lily was instructed to stay with us, i didn't understand why it had to be us? Couldn't she just be put in the system? But i remembered that not all foster families are friendly.

For example.. My older sister.. She was a foster sister of mine, she took care of me, and she even showed me how to treat a girl and all of that, but before she came to staying with us she was sexually abused, and so much more.. Something a human shouldn't have to go through.

So when my daughter started her period it brought back so many distant memories, my older sister told me to get some pads for her and i didn't know why but it was her way of teaching me to be well educated for when i have kids in the future, i wish i could see my older sister again, and just wonder what she would think of me now? Her death had been engraved into my soul, she shouldn't of left for that flight back home, i should've convinced her to stay with us but if going home to her was really important and made her happy then i wanted to let her go if it makes her happy. Thinking back on the past makes me extremely upset, for years i've suppressed the emotions that would want to leak out but even the emotion of bottles eventually explodes.

Lily became distraught as she realises that her mother isn't going to come back, and i related too much with her, i've always tried to deny the fact that the person was dead or was never going to come back. Ever since the incident of my older sister, i built walls around me, keeping people at a distance, normally comforting someone was unnatural for me. I remembered that lily always been a daddy's girl, so i thought maybe if i comforted her, it'll ease the pain.

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