Chapter 7

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We arrive at the next Warped stop and set everything up. No one performs tonight, it's really just about setting up and getting settled again. But I hear Escape the Fate is throwing a party.

"Hey Atlas does this look aright?" I ask him, walking to the bunks.

"Wow, yeah you look great Nova!" He breathes staring at me.

I'm wearing a black body suit that shows just enough skin, and some tight blue skinny jeans that hugs my curves perfectly. My tattoos made this outfit look better.

"Thanks!" I grin, walking away to the lounge. "Whoa get a room!" I cover my eyes.

"Nova we are just kissing," Luna laughs, walking up to me. "You look great," she pinches my cheeks.

"So do you," I pinch hers back, "you do too," I look at Elijah.

"Thank you," he smiles as Luna wraps her arm around his.

"Are we all ready?" I ask my band mates.


The party is in full blast and everyone is having a good time. I walk over to mix some rum and coke in a glass, turning around I bump into someone.

"Hey sorry," I say, looking up to see Ashley Purdy. 

"Hey dear," he grins at me, "how are you?"

"I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm great! How have you been enjoying tour?"

"I love Warped, it's one of my favourite events! I just miss home a little," I say, taking a sip of my drink.

"Yeah that's fair, we'll be home soon though, just a few more weeks," he wraps his arm around my shoulder, comforting me.

"Thanks Ash,"

"Anyways have a good time, I'll see you around!" Ashley smiles at me.

"See ya!"

I walk around the bus and just catch up with some friends, I'm feeling quiet well. Although I've seen and talked to everyone from BVB but I haven't seen Andy. Maybe he didn't come tonight.

"Hey Nova some get in the picture!" Hayley Williams grabs my arm, pulling me into the group.

We all pose as TJ Bell snaps a polaroid picture. The film slides out as everyone cheers, TJ waves it in the air, and he waits for it to develop.

Everyone disperses back to what they were doing but I stick around to see the photo. Escape the Fate has a board in their bus of photos from their Warped parties. I look at the picture in TJ's hand and smile.

"Do you want to put it up?" He asks.


I take the photo and a thumbtack, pushing it through the picture and board. I side hug TJ and walk out of the bus for some air, making sure I have my drink with me.

Walking around I see people who didn't come to the party still setting up, or watching the stars since it's a clear warm night.

I take a sip of my drink and go around a turn to see something that made me freeze. Andy is making out with some blonde girl. She's significantly shorter than him so he has her in his arms, pinned to one of the buses.

I turn my heel in the gravel and begin to walk away when I hear Andy mutter a quick "shit."

"Hey Nova wait," I hear him behind me.

"I don't want to interrupt," I snap.

I don't know why I'm so angry. But I don't even want to look at him.

"Nova wait i'm sorry," Andy runs up in front of me.

"Sorry? You don't have to be sorry, but i'm just a little confused on how you could be so "interested" in me, but suck the face off of some blonde bimbo," I spit, finishing off my drink, throwing it in a garbage can.

"You told me that we are just friends! I'm respecting your wishes and moving on," Andy rubs his face in frustration.

"Take me out," I tell him.

"What?" He stares at me.

"Take me out somewhere, I want you to take me on a date," I admit to him, feeling jealous that the other girl got to feel his lips on hers.

"Nova are you serious? Are you going to freak out at me in the morning?" Andy steps back a little.

"No, i'm sorry about last night, i'm just so messed up but i'm willing to give this a try, give us a try," I take a step toward him.

"Okay, yes okay!" He smiles, bringing me in for a hug. "Come with me," he takes my hand and drags me along.

We walk around the buses until we get to his, we walk around back and he starts climbing the ladder to the roof.

"Uh Andy what are we doing?"

"Just trust me," He looks at me.

We climb onto the roof of the bus, Andy lays down, putting one arm behind his head and opens the other for me. I hesitate but then lay down, in his open arm.

"What are we doing?" I ask, looking at him.

"Just look up, at all of the stars," Andy tells me.

We look up at the clear sky and see all of the stars.

"Hey I think I see the big and small dipper," I tell him, pointing.

"Yeah, I think I see it too," he chuckles, pointing as well.

I continue looking for stars when suddenly I feel like i'm being watched, I look over to see Andy staring at me.

"What? Do I have something on my face again?" I wipe my lips.

Andy takes my hand away from my lips, "no, you just look beautiful," he smiles.

"Oh, thanks," I blush, looking away.

Andy and I spent the night watching the stars, until I started getting tired. I sit up as he watches me, "i'm going to head back to my bus, thanks for the night."

"Sure, I'll walk you back,"

We make our way back to my bus, as I walk onto the step Andy calls my name.

"Yes?" I turn around to look at him.

"I'm sorry about what I did earlier, that you had to see that, I don't have feelings for anyone else but you Nova," Andy speaks sincerely.

"It's okay," I accept his apology.

He walks up to me and brings his face close to mine again. I take a step back, "not yet," I whisper, staring in his eyes.

"Yes, of course, sorry," he looks at me.

"Goodnight Andy, thanks for hanging out with me," I smile, kissing his cheek.

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