Chapter 26

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I watch her as she exits the kitchen with her food, and goes to sit in the living room.

Nova has barely spoken to me, the only time she looked at me was after my shower, and now she can't even be in the same room as me to eat.

"This food is delicious," I say as sort of a peace offering, hoping she'll say something.

But she ignores me.

I finish my plate and drink the water, sitting there quietly. Nova continues eating in the living room, in silence.

She gets up and walks back into the kitchen, not looking at me.

She grabs the plate and glass from me and begins washing the dishes. I stand up and walk behind her, "I can wash them for you," I offer.

She doesn't say anything, just begins to wash them faster. I look around the kitchen and remember my first night here with her.

"I still remember the smell of burnt pizza," I chuckle to her.

No response.

"I suppose the chance of you saying yes to being my girlfriend is as low as the first time I asked you in your kitchen?" I try to joke around with her.

That in turn got me a glare from her, that look telling me the chances are even slimmer than the first.

She drains the water from the sink and dries her hands, then walks away from me.


"I'm going to bed, sleep on the couch. Leave in the morning," I say sternly to him, making my way to the stairs.

"I came here to talk Nova," he says softly, following behind me.

"Well, you wasted your time Andrew,"

I begin to walk up the stairs but feel Andy grab my hand.

"Don't touch me," I snap, tears swelling in my eyes.

"I have to talk to you," he walks to the step just below me, "I have to apologize,"

"You have Andrew, and I don't forgive you, I will never forgive you," I glare at him, shoving his hand away from me.

I storm upstairs and into my room, slamming the door. I cover my mouth to stop the sobs.

He broke my heart.

I hear his footsteps come up the stairs and to my bedroom door. I stand there staring at the closed door.

"Nova, nothing I can do will ever take back the fact that I wouldn't listen to you, or the words I spoke about you, but I will do whatever it takes," he sounds so sincere, so broken.

I wipe my eyes and shut the lights off. Andy sits at the door as I crawl into bed, crying myself to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of text messages. Groaning I feel around for my phone. Opening my eyes I see they're from Holland. Crap! I was suppose to call him last night. I text him back apologizing, and I let him know that i'll make up for it.

I don't even know how Holland and I got involved again. I think I was just so upset when I got home that I unblocked Holland.

One thing lead to another and I said yes to giving him a second chance. We do have the history, and I wouldn't have to start over again. We aren't together, I told him we had to take things slow.

He told me he loves me right off the bat.. I haven't said it back to him.

Getting out of bed, I go to my dresser and stare at myself in the mirror. Tears stained on my cheek, I sigh and wipe them away.

I hope Andy is gone.

I open my door to find him asleep at the foot of my door. Sighing, I step over him, and downstairs.

I go to the kitchen and make coffee. Getting the cream and sugar, I pour the coffee into a second mug, adding one tablespoon of each. I walk back upstairs and set the cup down, nudging Andy awake.

"Hey, what time is it?" He groans, sitting up.

Fuck I forgot about his morning voice.

"Half past get out of my house," I stare down at him.

"Can we talk?" He doesn't touch his coffee, but looks up at me, with bloodshot eyes.

How much sleep did he get last night?

"Finish your coffee and leave," I tell him, walking next to him and into my room, closing the door.

"Cream and sugar, you remembered," Andy chuckles, I can just imagine the smile on his face.

"So you went back to an ex huh?" He says nonchalantly. "Can't say i'm not jealous.. or hopeful," he chuckles.

I sit there and ignore what he says. I can't talk to him, I can't forgive him.

"Okay, you don't have to talk, but I will. i'm sorry, all I can say is sorry. I should've listened to you, the words I wrote were the most hurtful thing I could have ever said about anyone, I did all of this, after telling you that I love you, and after everything I did, you have every right to not believe me, but I do love you," he begins, "I love you so much. I know how hard it is for you to trust, and god I understand if you will never trust me again, but you have to forgive me.. I need you to forgive me," he sounds so broken.

Despite his words, and sincerity, i'm still so angry with him, at fact that he could write those words about me, and perform it in front of everyone on the last day of Warped.

I open the door and stare down at him, "get out Andrew, I need time and space,"

"Oh time and space with Holland? Who you happen to trust again?" he stands up, getting defensive.

"You're now upset about Holland? Andrew you have no right to be upset about him, he and I are figuring things out. And no, of course I don't trust him! It's none of your business anyway, nothing with me is your business anymore," I spit, tears falling down my cheeks.

"Figuring things out? How long have you been figuring things out with him? Maybe you did kiss him!" Andy takes a step closer to me.

I gasp at the words at leave his mouth, "really? After everything, you still don't believe me," I start crying harder.

"Nova i'm so sorry, I don't know why I said that. I do trust you,"

"Get out Andrew, I hate you," I turn around, crying into my hands.

"Don't say that," his hand touches my shoulder.

"Get out!" I yell, brushing his hand off.

"Okay, i'm going to be staying at a hotel near the city for two weeks, i'll write down the address, if you want to talk," I hear him open a marker and write on my calendar that's hanging in the wall.

I don't turn around until I hear him close the house door.

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