Chapter 21

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I walk back to the venue, going back to my bus. I see Luna sitting there at the table, scrolling through her phone.

"Luna," I say, tears in my eyes.

"Oh no, Nova what's wrong?" She comes up to me.

"I went to see Holland... And he kissed me," I cry into her shoulder.

I don't know why i'm so upset, to the point of crying. Maybe it's because I have finally gotten the explanation that I needed this entire time. Maybe his kiss brought back old feelings. I don't know.

"Oh dear, why'd you go see him and not tell me before?"

"I knew you would talk me out of it," I wipe my eyes, staring at her.

"Well, besides him kissing you, how was it?" She sits back down.

I sit down across from her and tell her everything.

"Sounds like he is telling the truth on how he feels," Luna sighs.

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter anyway, it can't. I got his explanation that was long overdue, now I can just focus on my relationship with Andy," I smile, thinking about him.

"Preach it," she smiles back at me, "so how are you going to tell Andy about Hollands kiss?"

"I won't tell him about the kiss yet, I want to find a way to bring it up properly, and at the right time,"

"Just don't keep it from him too long, you know that shit hurts," Luna raises a brow, schooling me.

"I know,  I know," I wave her off. "Thank you," I hug her.

"Of course Nova,"

"I'm gonna go find Andy," I stand up, wiping the dried tears from my cheeks.

"Let me know how it goes,"

"Hey baby," I enter the BVB bus, seeing Andy sitting at the table.

I sit down across from him.

"Hey babe, how was Holland?" He asks, leaning over, kissing my forehead.

"Alright, he apologized, and then he was gone," I shrug.

"Great, I hope you feel better now," he smiles, placing the palm of his hand on my cheek.

I lean in into his hand, staring at him. I hear his phone ding, and mine. He looks at his screen, scrolling for a few seconds. Suddenly he stands up, and inhales deep, not looking at me.

"What's up?" I question, standing up as well.

Andy just turns around, not facing me, gripping his phone. I begin getting worried, as I place a hand on his shoulder. He snaps back at me, glaring.

"You're so worried about trusting me when I should've been the one worried about what you were doing," he spits, shoving his phone in my face.

Someone spotted Holland and I outside of the coffee shop today. I scroll through the pictures to see they got some of Holland kissing me.

"Andy I can explain!" I speak so fast.

"You weren't even going to tell me! You just said seeing him today was fine, didn't even mention the kiss," he mutters, rubbing his face, taking a step back from me.

"Of course I was-" tears spring in my eyes, seeing Andy so angry and hurt.

"So that's why you kept the picture of you guys, you still love him," he cuts me off, storming away from me, to the back of the bus.

"Andy please let me explain what happened!" I sob, grabbing onto his arm.

He ignores me as he ruffles through his bag. He turns to me, "here, I was gonna give this to you on the final day of warped as a sign of how strong our relationship was, but all of that is ruined. Give it to Holland, maybe one day he'll give it to you," Andy spits, grabbing my hand, shoving a box in it.

I open the box to see the prettiest ring i've ever seen in my life.

"Andy, please, Holland kissed-" I begin to sob out, crumbling beneath his broken stare.

Andy didn't let me finish, "get out," he doesn't look at me.

"But Andy-"

"Out!" He raises his voice at me.

My bottom lip quivers, staring at him. I can't breathe, I don't know what to do. Nothing but heaves come out of me as I rush off the bus. Warped ends in two days, he has to let me explain. If he doesn't.. I don't know what i'll do.

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