Chapter 29

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I find myself outside of room 138, I put my hand up to knock on the door, but retract. What am I doing here? I am suppose to be trying to patch things up with Holland.

Instead, i'm outside of Andy's hotel room, too scared to knock. Too scared to come face to face with him.

Even after what he did to me, all of my feelings are still so strong for him, I want to see him.

It was so much easier when he wasn't around me, it was easier for me to hate him. To see Holland as the one who was going to the one for me.

But Andy showing up, him fighting so hard for me... kissing me. It has clouded my mind. Brought back feelings that I pushed away, feelings I didn't want to feel again.

Because how can I still love someone, who publicly bashed me, who broke my heart.

The door suddenly opens.

"Nova?" Andy looks torn.

His hair is a mess, his eyes are puffy and red, he holds an empty bottle and he wears the shirt that he lent me.

"Are you alright?" he looks concerned.

"Oh um," is all that I could mutter out, taking a step back.

A few moments of silence and all of a sudden I take off. I don't know what to say to him.

"Wait Nova!" Andy calls after me.

He takes a hold of my hand and stops me, "can we talk?"

I look up at him and retract my hand from his, "n-no, I don't think that's a good idea,"

"What are you doing here then?" He asks softly.

"It was a mistake, I just—I don't know what i'm doing," I admit, watery eyed.

"Please, come inside, just for a few minutes," he takes my hand again.

"Okay," I whisper, walking with him.

We enter his room as he offers me a drink. "No, i'm okay thank you,"

He puts down the empty bottle he walked out with and sits down on the bed.

"Please, have a seat,"

I sit down at the desk, and look around.

His room is clean for the most part, just a few empty bottles strewn about and a hint of cigarette smoke. He must've smoked close to the open window even though you aren't allowed to smoke in the rooms.

Andy doesn't say anything, he just stares at me. I fidget with my fingers awkwardly, feeling his stare.

"Um, how are things with you and Holland?" He asks, breaking the silence.

"Oh, uh he hasn't spoken to me. But it's only been a couple of days, i'm going to give him some space,"

Andy looks like he is so empty on the inside.

"Oh, I see,"


Suddenly he gets up and walks over to me, kneeling down and to my level.

"I go back home at the end of the week, I want to leave on good terms with you,"

"It's just hard you know? After what you did to me, it's going to take some time," I stare into his eyes.

"I know I broke your trust Nova, I know that it would take a lifetime for me to ever make up for that horrible song, but all I need is for you to forgive me, I love you," he pleads.

"Andy, you didn't break my trust," my bottom lip quivers, "you broke my heart."

"I'm so sorry, please what can I do?"

I feel a buzz in my sweater pocket. I reach for my phone to see Holland calling me. What is he calling me for this late at night? I swipe and answer.


"Nova, i'm sorry I got so mad at you. I am willing to hear you out, after all I owe that to you, I don't know where I got off getting mad considering what I did you to in the past," Holland sounds like he's upset, "will you come over?"

"Sure, i'll be right there," I say.

"See you in a bit, I love you,"

"I'll see you," I hang up.

"Who was that?" Andy stands up.

"Holland, Andy I have to go," I stand up.

"Really? We were having a conversation, he calls and you'll just drop everything to go see him?" He looks hurt.

"Andy! Him and I are working on things, I have to go see him," I snap.

"But we are working on things right now,"

"Andy, just go home, you broke my heart, maybe in the future we can be friends, but for now I need time away from you, I need time to forgive you," tears fall from my eyes.

"I love you, and I know despite your best arguments... that you love me too,"

I take a breath and stare at him, "I do love you Andy, but I just need time, please that's all i'm asking for,"

Andy has tears falling down his face, he sniffs and wipes them away.

"Okay," he whispers, "and when you're ready, I will be waiting, i'll always wait for you."

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