Chapter 36

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"I want to go home and see Elijah," Luna groans, taking a sip of her drink.

"I know, but hey i'm sure he is just as miserable as you," I nudge her.

"He better be, I hope he is missing the hell out of me," she laughs.

"Hey there's the BVB boys," Atlas cheers as they enter our bus.

"Ugh, and Andy," Luna rolls her eyes, speaking only loud enough that I can hear.

"Will you ever get over what he did?" I laugh at her.

"No, he hurt you, I don't even know why you're still with Holland,"

"Well he's mad at me right now, I don't know where he went,"

"What happened?"

"I don't even know, Andy and Holland got into a little before we went on stage today, and then Holland got upset when I defended Andy because it wasn't just Andy's fault," I shrug, sipping my drink.

"You've got the both of them wrapped around your finger," she grins.

"I do not," I deny, but I can feel myself blushing.

I don't think I would completely hate the idea of Andy still having feelings for me.

"Anyways, i'm gonna go call Elijah and complain about how much I miss him," she pats my leg and stands up, going to the back of the bus.

"Hey guys," I walk up to them.

"Hey," Jinxx, Jake, CC, and Ashley all say in unison, then dispersing to grab drinks.

"Hey Nova," Andy smiles at me.

I hear the bus door open.

"Hey, where'd you go today? I thought you were gonna watch me play," I smile back.

"Oh he was with me," I feminine voice chirps.

A blonde girl walks up to us, hugging him around his waist.

"Uh I hope you don't mind, I invited Leah to drink with us," he rubs the back of his neck, looking at me.

"Oh yeah, okay, that's fine," I stutter a little.

Why would he bring a random girl here? When did they meet? Are they dating? I feel a little bubbly inside, seeing the girl wrapped into Andy.

"Where's Holland?" he asks.

"I don't know right now," I sip my drink, not looking at them.

"Is everything alright between you two?"

"Yeah, everything is fine!" I chirp and walk away from them.

God, I know i'm with Holland, and I have reassured him so much that he doesn't have to worry about Andy. But seeing him with another girl—I mean I have seen him with other girls online, but that was before seeing him everyday, in person.

I walk outside to get some air when I see Holland walking back to the bus.

"Hey baby, i'm sorry I left. I just needed to clear my head," he says.

"It's okay, are we good?" I ask, staring at him.

"Yeah, I need to calm down over this whole Andy thing, I know you wouldn't do anything," he places a hand on my cheek.

"Okay," I smile.

Holland sighs, "but why haven't you told me you love me yet?"

I continue to stare at him, his question catching me off guard.

"Oh uh, I don't know, I just haven't felt it yet,"

"But it's been over a year," he takes a step back.

"I know, I can't control how I feel, I know that I have strong feelings, but not that strong, yet,"

"I bet you still have feelings for Andy," Holland snaps.

"Jesus why are you being like this?! We have been good for the past year, and all of a sudden just because my ex is around again you are a jealous prick!" I get defensive, crossing my arms.

The bus door opens, "everything alright?" I hear Jakes voice.

"You told him you loved him!"

"Because I did then! But I don't anymore, god why can't you just realize that I don't have any feelings for him?!" I yell at Holland.

"How could you love him so soon but we've been together before, you've loved me before, and you don't love me now,"

"I don't know!" I tear up.

"I think it's time to take a walk," Atlas comes up and grabs Holland on the shoulder and pushes him away from me.

"Yeah, whatever, i'm going home in the morning," he snaps, walking away.

"God he is such a jealous dick," I blow out as Atlas puts his arm around me.

I see Andy in the corner of my eye, he must've seen the whole thing. But it's good for him to know I have no feelings, I mean it looks like he's got someone new anyway, so he doesn't have any feelings for me either.

"Okay guys, I think that it's time to wrap it up, Atlas says as we walk back onto the bus.

"Sounds good," CC says, understandingly.

"Thanks guys, see you tomorrow," I give them a small smile.

They all leave, Andy looks at me for a second, then leaves as well with Leah.

I sigh, "Holland and I were going strong until he came to visit. I don't know why he's being like this,"

"He's just an insecure dick, he knows that you have loved Andy before, and can't handle the fact that you don't love him yet," Atlas shrugs.

"It's fucking annoying—thanks for telling the guys to leave, I just want to go to bed, goodnight," I say as I head to my bunk.


I lay down in my bunk and just roll over. At least maybe when Holland is gone, things will cool down between us and everything will be fine when tour is over and I can go home to him.

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