3. I want it

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' He passed through the Red Keep's gates at first light.'

'Does my father know he's here?' Rhaenyra questioned as she walked to meet her uncle Daemon.


'Good.' Vaera ran past Rhaenyra pushing the doors to the throne room open. Daemon sat on the iron throne. It would be his one day he was testing it out. But Rhaenyra and her guard were not pleased

"UNCLE DAEMON!" Vaera declared running up to him.

"Vaera love!" Daemon said picking her up and spinning her around. 'Gods be good.' Daemon declared.

'It's all right, ser.' Rhaenyra said as she approached her uncle.

"Are you here for the tourney Uncle Daemon?" Vaera questioned.
"I am. I'm going to win it." Daemon told her kissing her head.

"Not here to cause trouble?" Rhaenyra countered.

"Me?" He asked shaking his head "never. I assure you. I'm here to celebrate." Daemon told her as Vaera leaned into him.

"mmm hhmmm,' Rhaenyra said stubbornly as Daemon put Vaera down.

"Don't give me that look, I got you something.' He held out a necklace, her fingers reached for it but he snatched it back. 'But if you are going to have attitude I'm not going to give it to." Daemon mused.

"I want it!" Vaera declared.

"Do you know what it is?' Daemon questioned

'It's Valyrian steel.' Vaera answered eagerly.

'Like Dark Sister.' Daemon said touching the sword at his hip. 'Turn around. Now... you and I both own a small piece of our ancestry.' Daemon said clasping it onto her. Vaera's face turned into a pout as Rhaenyra left not nearly as appreciative as daemon thought she would be. "Don't worry I got you something too." Daemon assured and Vaera's smile was back as she smiled up at him. "You like it?" it was different from Rhaenyra's thinner, less bulky, even more beautiful Vaera thought. She nodded eagerly. "Turn around little love." Daemon told her and she lifted her hair as she turned her back to him. Her fingers went to it. "So beautiful." Daemon said kissing her cheek.

"Thank you Uncle Daemon, I will never take it off!" Vaera declared.

"That is appreciation." Daemon told her crouching down as she jumped on his back. "I'm never getting Rhaenyra a gift again. Only you." Daemon told her.
"Rhaenyra doesn't like me." Vaera admitted as Daemon stood up his hands around the back of her thighs as she rested her head on his shoulder looking over at him as he walked out of the throne room.


"No... she thinks I get away with everything." Vaera told him.
"You do." Daemon told her with a grin.
"It's not my fault. Its not like I'm going to ask to be punished." Vaera reminded him.

"My brother and I don't get along most of the time." Daemon reminded her.

"I wish you would, I love when you are here." Vaera told him.

"Your guard doesn't." Daemon remarked, he noticed Ser Harwin following them.

"Harwin, I'm fine." Vaera called over her shoulder. "He is just protective." Vaera told Daemon.

"That's good, but I'm no threat." Daemon assured.

"I know that, but you are not very popular here.' Vaera informed him.

"I'm not?" Daemon mused and Vaera shook her head. "Will perhaps after I win the tourney that will change their minds."


'Did you read it?' Alicent questioned as they sat under a tree a large book in her lap as Rhaenyra stared up at the sky, not paying attention. The world of politics bored her.

'Of course, I read it.' Rhaenyra answered

'When Princess Nymeria arrived in Dorne, who did she take to husband?'

'A man.' She answered bored out of her mind

'What was his name?' Alicent pushed.

'Lord Something.'

'If you answer with "Lord Something," Septa Marlow will be furious.'

'She's funny when she's furious.' Rhaenyra told her with a smirk

'You're always like this when you're worried.' Alicent remarked.

'Like what?' she asked staring up at her.

'Disagreeable.' Alicent told her. Rhaenyra stared at her, a bit annoyed 'You're worried your father is about to overshadow you with a son.'

'I only worry for my mother. I hope for my father that he gets a son. As long as I can recall, it's all he's wanted.' Rhaenyra told her honestly.

'You want him to have a son?'

'I want to fly with you on dragon back, see the great wonders across the Narrow Sea, and eat only cake.' Rhaenyra told her.

'I'm being serious.'

'I never jest about cake.' Rhaenyra assured. Alicent stared down at her. "Vaera is the favorite, adding another baby wont magically make me any more special, if anything I am lowered on the list of Targaryen's of importance, especially if they have a boy. I can't do anything, Vaera is the baby, spoiled rotten and I'm the eldest, it is what it is."

'You aren't worried about your position?'

'I like this position. It's quite comfortable.' Rhaenyra mused adjusting on the ground. But Alicent got up and Rhaenyra's head which was in her friends lap dropped to the ground 'Where are you going?'

'Home. The hour has grown late.' Alicent told her stubbornly.

'Princess Nymeria led her Rhoynar across the Narrow Sea on 10,000 ships to flee their Valyrian pursuers.' Rhaenyra said getting up. Alicent looked at her baffled. 'She took Lord Mors Martell of Dorne to husband and burned her own fleet off Sunspear to show her people that they were finished running.' Rhaenyra took the page tearing it out of the book

'What are you doing?' Alicent questioned as Rhaenyra handed it to her.

'So you remember.'

'If-if the Septa sees this book, then...' Alicent said nervously as she looked at the torn page in her hand

'fսck the Septa.'

'Rhaenyra!' she declared as they both started laughing.

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