11. You love Me

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"I want to go for a ride." Vaera told Harwin as they walked.

"Of course you do princess." Harwin agreed.

"Mother didn't like it, but she knew I loved it." Vaera told him confidently. "So I don't think she would mind." Vaera reasoned.

"You are a dragon little lady, she would understand perfectly.' Harwin assured Vaera beamed up at him but her smile faltered as Daemon was practically dragged in.

"Uncle Daemon!" She declared running up to him.

"Hello beautiful, I missed you. You doing alright?" Daemon questioned quickly.

"I'm going for a ride, do you want to come?" Vaera asked curiously.

"I have to talk to your father first." Daemon remarked.

"Should I wait for you?" Vaera questioned. Harwin wasn't a fan a Daemon. No one in their right mind was a fan of Daemon. He was trouble and Harwin didn't want the little princess getting hurt following around her uncle.

"Come on Princess." Harwin requested.

"Go on, I will see you soon." Daemon assured.

"Come on." Harwin said offering her his hand. Daemon waved back at her as they headed outside.

'You cut the image of the conqueror, brother.' Daemon said as he approached the iron throne. Viserys sat staring down at him.

'Did you say it?' Viserys demanded.

'I don't know what you mean.' Daemon told him casually.

'You will address me as Your Grace, or I will have my Kings guard cut out your tongue.' Viserys warned and Daemon's lips pursed. "The Heir for a Day." He clarified 'Did you say it?'

'We must all mourn in our own way, Your Grace.' Daemon said solemnly.

'My family has just been destroyed. But instead of being by my side, Vaera's or Rhaenyra's,' Viserys shouted down at him.

"I just saw Vaera she is going for a ride, she seems alright-' Daemon began.

'you chose to celebrate your own rise! Laughing with your whοres and your lickspittles! You have no allies at court but me! I have only ever defended you! Yet everything I've given you, you've thrown back in my face.' Viserys reminded him.

'You've only ever tried to send me away. To the Vale, to the City Watch, anywhere but by your side. Ten years you've been king, and yet not once have you asked me to be your Hand!' Daemon countered.

'Why would I do that?' Viserys questioned incredulously.

'Because I'm your brother. And the blood of the dragon runs thick.' Daemon reminded him.

'Then why do you cut me so deeply?'

'I've only ever spoken the truth. I see Otto Hightower for what he is.' Daemon told him defensively.

'An unwavering and loyal Hand?' Viserys suggested

'A cսոt. A second son who stands to inherit nothing he doesn't seize for himself.' Daemon corrected

'Otto Hightower is a more honorable man than you could ever be.' Viserys reminded him.

'He doesn't protect you. I would.' Daemon assured

'From what?' Viserys spat.

'Yourself. You're weak... Viserys. And that council of leeches knows it. They all prey on you for their own ends.' Daemon told him honestly.

'I have decided to name a new heir.' Viserys told him.

'I'm your heir.' Daemon told him bitterly.

'Not anymore.' Viserys said sternly as he rose from the iron throne. 'You are to return to Runestone and your lady wife at once, and you are to do so without quarrel by order of your King.'


"Are you going to join me?" Vaera questioned as Calypso came out.

"Princess." Harwin said with a pained face.

"You wouldn't have to worry about me if you were with me." Vaera countered. "Come on." There was an innocence about Vaera, her need for more that had Harwin worried that she wouldn't see the dangers of life. She hadn't felt hurt or heart break and he hoped she never had to but her little life had been protected by the crown and the guards and being the princess, the people adored her, protected her. he worried for the day that her innocence faded and her eyes were opened to all the horrors of the world. Her mother had died yet she still found it in her to want to touch the clouds.

"Please Harwin." Vaera begged clasping her hands under her chin, giving her best pout and batting her eye lashes at him.

"I hate when you do that." Harwin remarked as she help him up.

"You love me." Vaera corrected. "Hold on tight."


In the moons that passed Vaera and Rhaenyra became the best of friends, Vaera had never been happier. She missed her mother but she got her sister back. Alicent had spent less and less time with Rhaenyra which Vaera was glad for and didn't notice Alicent heading to see their father more frequently.

Vaera got her best friend back, Rhaenyra and her would only become thick as thieves as the moons progressed and their world shifted on its axis once again.

Illicit Affairs // Harwin Strong // Criston ColeWhere stories live. Discover now