53. Deusa

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"I feel gross." Vaera informed Harwin as he kissed her. "Its not you." She assured "It's me. Being pregnant again. I love, love, love Haezel but I forgot how hard it was being nine moons pregnant." Vaera informed him as he pulled off her shoes. "My ankles are swollen, I can't see my feet, I feel like she is stretching me out more than Haezel."

"You took care of your body," Harwin said pulling at her dress. "Now let me." Vaera smiled down at him.

"I warn you. I don't know what anything looks like down there." Vaera teased.

"You are beautiful." Harwin told her kissing her stomach gently.

Harwin edged closer to Vaera on the couch, his legs beginning to press against hers. The heat she felt rising, spreading like wildfire from her throat all the way down to her cunt

"Vaera," he breathed. The way he said her name—somewhere between an exhale and a whisper—is more than Vaera could bear. His eyes traveled to her mouth and it doesn't feel like he's moving but he's inexplicably closer than a moment ago.

"Harwin," Vaera answered, her voice cracking. She closed her eyes, the warmth of his breath tickling her skin. He ran the fingertips of his right hand in circles on her knee, waiting.

Vaera bit at her lip before his mouth connected to her a fraction of a moment later. She leaned back further against the armrest as his hands finding her waist. She parted her lips for him, his tongue lapping at hers. Somehow and suddenly, they were horizontal. She couldnt recount the logistics of the transition, but she knew it was smooth, so smooth she didn't even notice the motion.

Harwin had one hand above him, holding himself in place by gripping the edge of the couch. His other caresses her back and sides with each slow kiss.

Her thighs press together as she tried to contain everything that she was feeling. It's clawing its way to the surface—an animal, a dragon she couldn't keep caged much longer. Harwin pulled back, breaking the kiss between them.

"What's wrong, little love?" he asked.

"Nothing," Vaera assured honestly, reaching up toward him.

"I can feel it, you know," he whispered, leaning down to place his lips near her ear. "I can feel your body, deusa. I can feel it begging."

"Deusa?" Vaera repeated.

"Deusa." He repeated. Vaera knew that word she had read it somewhere in one of her books but with his body this close to her his lips on her. Vaera didn't even have words. As his hips grinded against hers, all that escapes her are whimpering sounds.

"I can make you feel beautiful," he whispered. His hands clench into fists on either side of her body as she tried to contain everything. Because Vaera wanted to let Harwin Strong make her feel good. Make her feel beautiful.

He pressed a single kiss to her mouth, nibbling her bottom lip before pulling back again to make eye contact as he grinds against her again. Her back arched toward him

"Make me feel beautiful," Vaera whispered. "I want you to make me feel everything." A wry smile plays over his lips as if Vaera had just issued a challenge. And maybe she did.

"Vaera," Harwin whispered, doing that thing with her name that made her insides flip.

"Yes?" she answered softly.

"Would you like to go to your bed?" Vaera nodded. He stood, extending his hand to help her up, and waited to follow behind her but, he stopped her, wrapping his arm around her waist and kissing her neck.

Harwins hands playing with the straps of her dress, he loosened the strings and Vaera felt the lack of restriction as it clung loosely to her. His fingertips trailed her spine as the strings were free pulling it down slowly. He dragged his hands over her hips, nibbling her bare shoulder. He pulled her dress over her hips and Vaera stepped out when it fell to the floor.

"You're still wearing all your clothes," Vaera reminded him with a tsk. "Off." She demanded as he kissed her.

"Don't worry," he said calmly. "You're going to take those off too." A purr in her ear.

"What are you doing?" Vaera asked as Harwin stared at her and a giggle left her lips.

"You are so beautiful." Harwin told her meeting her eyes again. His hand touched her cheek gently before moving down her, his gaze shifting lower. In fact, he's licking his lips. One of his hands has a grip on her back moving lower with every heart beat, while the other has gone rogue, making its way up Vaera's now parted legs.

"Close your eyes," he said. Vaera did as instructed, the thumb of his hand occasionally pressing into her flesh. It trails farther and farther up, coming to rest just beyond the center of her. "Spread your legs wider," he said softly. Her knees wobble as she widen her stance. "my little love," he whispered. That's almost too much for Vaera to handle. The backs of his knuckles graze her most sensitive skin, her body shuddering at the brief contact.

Then, all at once, two fingers glide over her with fervent intention. There's no stopping the moan as it escaped her mouth. She didn't even try to stop it. His fingers glided over her again, this time more slowly. Then again. They stop mid-stroke and go in the opposite direction. The next thing Vaera knew, they're swiping over her again and again, her knees all but bucking under the pleasure. Vaera gripped his shoulder, she could feel an orgasm coming, just like this. No part of him was inside of her but she felt so close she could feel it beginning to build. Then, his touch was gone.

Vaera groaned as his hand slide up her stomach, she watched him appear from under her stomach.

"Oh, Harwin didn't know you were down there." She mused. "Come to join the party?" Harwin was back on his feet, kissing her lips.

"What are you doing?" Vaera asked. "that was..."

"I know, little love," Harwin said, smiling. "I told you I can feel it."

"Then why did you stop?" Vaera questioned as he held her to him.

"We're in no rush. We have plenty of time."

There's a trembling in her chest, a faint but fast-growing rumble. Vaera didn't know what it is or what it meant, but she knew it got a little bit louder the moment Harwin's eyes connect with Vaeras as she looked up at him, and he at her in all her naked, pregnant glory.

Illicit Affairs // Harwin Strong // Criston ColeWhere stories live. Discover now