65. Needs a good Punch

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"What?" Vaera shouted in outrage. "No, I refuse. I wont allow this." Vaera told him holding Harwin to her.

"I punched Criston."

"He needs a good punching every now and again." Vaera assured. "He is too far up Alicent's ass at times."

"Oh Vaera love." Harwin whispered kissing her again.

"I don't want you to go." Vaera whimpered.

"I don't want to go." Harwin told her. "I don't have a choice."

"I demand you stay." Vaera said as tears slipped down her cheeks. Harwin kissed her tears away. "Harwin I can't do this without you." She put his hands on her stomach.

"You're pregnant?" Harwin questioned kissing her again and again.

"I was going to tell you... I wanted it to be happy moment not my in tears." Vaera informed him as she sniffled her nose. "since you and Nyra ruined the surprise last time. I was going to I was going to take you to the lagoon and tell you there."

"Oh Vaera... my little love, carrying another little love." Harwin whispered.

"don't go." Vaera begged.

"I will talk to my father when we arrive at Harenhall." Harwin assured. "I will always come back to you."

"Tell me its not true!" Haezel demanded slamming open the door.

"Mama no!" Aemma begged.

"I hate this too." Vaera told them as they hugged tight to Harwin.

"But just tell them that he is our father and he can't leave." Aemma reasoned.

"I wish it were that simply." Harwin told them. "But that would put you and your sister and your mama in a lot of trouble." Harwin hugged them tight as Vaera let out a shaky breath. "But don't you worry. I will always come back to my girls." He moved to Vaera kissing her again. "Always." He promised against her lips.

"When do you leave?" Vaera whimpered.


"Then give me tonight."


''I took the liberty of beginning without you, Your Grace. It seemed a sin to let such a pie grow cold.'' Larys remarked as Alicent sat across from him

''You did wisely, Lord Larys.'' Alicent agreed ''Though you had no such worry about the wine, surely.''

''Meat without wine is also a sin.''

''Mm.'' Alicent agreed

''It's been my duty to tell you of happenings about the castle, but tonight you know, and I do not.''' Larys told her ''The King had an audience with my father.''

''He attempted to resign his post.''

''I thought as much. His honor's always been a millstone about his esteemed neck. Interesting you said "attempted"?'' Larys remarked

''My lord husband refused to accept.''

''Then he fell short of confessing my brother's... transgressions.''

''With his eruption in the yard, your brother all but confessed the truth himself.'' Alicent hissed

''Truth has many flavors, Your Grace. Do you expect the King to doom his dear daughter to exile, or even...'' Larys silenced himself as the door opened

''Talya, not now.'' Alicent said and she headed right back out.

''It's a willful blindness, the King.'' Larys said as the door closed. ''I mean, you'd surely suffer the same affliction, if it came to it.''

''I would not. Lord Lyonel is to escort Ser Harwin and Ser Gael back to Harrenhal to watch over his seat whilst he continues to serve as Hand.'' Alicent informed him

''But the Hand is compromised by the acts of his son. My father... cannot give unbiased counsel to the King.'' Larys said confidently.

''It is now that I most rue the absence of my own father. He wouldn't hesitate to speak the truth to the King. If Otto Hightower were still Hand...''

''You cannot say, my Queen, that your father would be impartial in this matter.'' Larys reminded her

''No, but he would be partial to me!'' Alicent spat back before letting out a long sigh. ''In all of King's Landing, is there no one to take my side?''


''What a collection of heroes I have before me.'' Larys remarked his cane clicking on the ground as he made it to the prison. ''A murderer... a deviant... a traitor to the crown. For your crimes, you've been sentenced to death by hanging.''

''What do you want with us?''

''I am prepared to offer you mercy... if you're prepared to pay a little price.'' Larys told him confidently. They were willing and their tongues were removed burned off they wailed and wailed.


''Push, my Lady.'' Laena screamed and screeched as she tried to deliver Daemon another child but it would not come.

''Push! Push!'' She continued screaming and wailing to no avail. 'Push!'

''You must push!'


''It needs to come now!'' the surgeon told her as she wailed out in pain.

''Push! Push!'' they all begged her

''You must push now, my Lady!'' but she was tired and knew it was no use.

''I've reached the limit of my art. The child 'will not come.'' The surgeon told Daemon ''I am very sorry, my Prince. We could lay open the womb... try to remove the infant by way of the blade. But I cannot say for a surety whether it lives.''

''Would the mother survive it?'' Daemon questioned calmly.


Laena pulled herself up with a grunt dragging herself outside.

''Vhagar, dracarys. Agh!'' she whimpered out. Vhagar stared down at her.'' Dracarys! Dracarys!'' she begged but he just stared at her. she wanted to die a dragon riders death, by fire. ''Dracarys. Dracarys!'' she wailed as she dragged herself to him.

''Dracarys.'' Vhagar wailed out blasting her away. Daemon watched his fire burn away before him.


Illicit Affairs // Harwin Strong // Criston ColeWhere stories live. Discover now