5. City Watch

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"Where is Rhaenyra, love?" Viserys asked Vaera as she moved around as acting cup bearer, she just shrugged as she filled his cup.

'It was an unprecedented roundup of criminals of every ilk. Your brother made a public show of it, meting out the summary judgments himself. I'm told they needed a two-horse cart to haul away the resulting dismemberments when it was done.' Otto informed Viserys as Viserys let out a long sigh.

'Gods be good.' Viserys muttered

'The Prince cannot be allowed to act with this kind of unchecked impunity.' Otto went on as the door opened.

'Brother.' Daemon said a big grin on his handsome face. "Beautiful niece." He came around and pressed a quick kiss to Vaera's cheek.

'Daemon.' Viserys said trying to keep the edge from his voice.

"Still looks so beautiful on you," Daemon told her touching her necklace. "Can I have a drink beautiful?" Daemon requested and Vaera poured him a cup. 'Thank you lovely.... Carry on. You were saying something about my impunity.' Daemon said taking a seat at the table.

'You are to explain your doings with the City Watch. Your new "gold cloaks" made quite the impression last night, didn't they?'

'Did they?' Daemon countered smugly as he winked across the table at Vaera.

'The City Watch is not a sword to be wielded at your whim. They're an extension of the crown.' They reminded Daemon.

'The Watch was enforcing the crown's laws. Wouldn't you agree, Lord Strong?' Daemon offered.

'My Prince, I don't think... Making a public spectacle of wanton brutality is hardly in line with our laws.' He offered as kindly as possible, he knew Daemon's temper.

'Nobles from every corner of the realm are right now descending upon King's Landing for my brother's tourney. Do you want them mugged, raped, murdered?' Daemon questioned looking around the council table. 'You mightn't know this unless you left the safety of the Red Keep, but much of King's Landing is seen by the smallfolk as lawless and terrifying. Our city should be safe for all its people.' Daemon told them.

'I agree. I just hope you don't have to maim half of my city to achieve this.'

'Time will tell.' Daemon said nonchalantly.

'We installed Prince Daemon as commander to promote law and order.'

'The criminal element should fear the City Watch.' Lord Corlys reminded them.

'Thank you for your support, Lord Corlys.' Daemon said smiling over at him.

'If only the Prince would show the same devotion to his lady wife as he does his work, Your Grace.' Otto suggested and Daemon stared back at him. 'You've not been seen in the Vale or at Runestone for quite some time.' He remarked.

'I think my bronze bitch is happier for my absence.' Daemon assured and Vaera stifled a laugh.

'Lady Rhea is your wife; a good and honorable lady of the Vale.' Otto reminded him

'In the Vale, men are said to fսck sheep instead of women. I can assure you, the sheep are prettier.' Daemon told them confidently.

'Dear me. You made a vow before the Seven to honor your wife in marriage.' Otto reminded him

'Well, I'd gladly give Lady Rhea to you, Lord Hightower, if you're in want of a woman to warm your bed. Your own lady wife passed recently. Did she not? Otto.' Daemon said smugly. 'Perhaps you aren't ready to move on just yet.' Vaera's eyes went wide, Daemon was provoking the council, this wasn't good.

'You know how my brother makes sport of provoking you. Must you indulge him?' Viserys pondered.

'My apologies, Your Grace.' Otto said bitterly.

'This council has, at great expense, bettered the City Watch to your exacting standards. Enforce my laws, but understand... any further performances like last night's will be answered.' Viserys warned his brother.

'Understood, Your Grace.' Daemon said getting up and kissing Vaera's cheek. "Bye beautiful... see you soon." He whispered, heading out.

'King's Landing has been in decline since my grandmother passed.'

'In the end... this new City Watch might be a good thing.'


'What troubles you, my Prince? I could bring in another. Perhaps a maiden. I have several. I could even arrange one with silver hair.' Mysaria offered as Daemon covered himself in a blanket staring out the window. He could hear drums and music playing outside. 'You are Daemon Targaryen. Rider of Caraxes. Wielder of Dark Sister. The King cannot replace you.' He kept listening though a dog barking, crowds cheering. They were all getting ready for the new prince to arrive.

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