36. Get Out

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"The love of the Seven is holy and eternal. The source of life and love. We stand here tonight in thanks and praise to join two souls as one." The high septon began. ''Father... Mother... Warrior... Smith... Maiden... Crone... Stranger. Hear now their vows.'' Rhaenyra stared across at a weepy Laenor, for he had just lost the true love of his life. Rhaenyra glanced back as Vaera she offered the most pitiful of smiles in return.

''I am yours and you are mine. Whatever may come.'' Laenor said sadly.

''I am yours and you are mine. Whatever may come.'' Rhaenyra whispered back and kissed the corner of his lips.

''Here, in the presence of gods and men, I proclaim... Laenor of House Velaryon... Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, to be man and wife. One flesh... one heart... one soul... now and forever.'' The high septon declared as Viserys collapsed to the ground before them. 

"Father!" Vaera shouted dropping down next to him. "Get maester mellos!" Vaera demanded as Rhaenyra stared down paralyzed at the sight. Vaera couldn't breathe. "Daddy wake up, wake up." Vaera begged holding tight to his hand.

Ser Criston was going to kill himself after what he had done, the dishonor of it all. He couldn't live with himself what he had done to vaera too hurting her he saw her face as she stared at what he had done. He just wanted it to be over.

''Criston..." he turned at the sound of vaera voice. "What the fuck?"


"What are you doing?" Vaera demanded criston looked to the blade in his hand before dropping it. "Criston!"

"Vaera I-"

"My father collapsed. I need whatever the hell is going through your head right now-" vaera was trying to be brave but he could hear her voice breaking. "-to just shove it down. Okay? Just whatever that knight said or whatever this is about..." she moved towards him. "My father might be dying. Im not losing you too..." criston rose up and hugged her she sobbed into him. "Why is this world so mesed up?" Vaera whimpered.

"Im so sorry... I'm so sorry..."


"Is he... I mean did you fix him?" Vaera asked.

"We had to take the arm but yes. the infection has stopped" Mellos agreed.

"Can I see him?" Vaera questioned.

"I think he would like that." Mellos agreed. Vaera was not surprised that Alicent wasn't here with her own husband in this trying time. Vaera moved to her fathers side, gnawing nervously at her lip as he stirred awake before her.

"Vaera..." his voice was weak as he adjusted in bed.

"Daddy what happened?" Vaera questioned her words broken as she saw his missing arm.

"I'm alright Vaera." Viserys assured extending his remaining hand to her. "Come here Vaera.'' Vaera held to his hand her eyes wavering. "I'm alright Vaera." He repeated.

"I cant wed Tyon Lannister." Vaera declared. "I must stay and tend to you." Vaera told him as she sat down at his side, silent tears falling down her face.

"Lets not worry about the Lannister's right now love'' Viserys suggested.

"Are you dying?" Vaera whimpered. Viserys glanced down to his missing arm.

"His grace will survive, we were able to get the whole of the infection." Mellos told her and Vaera nodded tears dripping onto Viserys,

"Oh honey." Viserys whispered pulling her to him.


But the lannisters were impatient to have a princess of their own. Within four moons Vaera was to be married. She flattened down her dress for the millionth time as she heard a knock on the door, she sucked in a pained as she moved to the door.

"Where have you been!" Vaera shouted pulling Criston in. "My father nearly dies and you went AWOL on me!" Vaera sobbed.

"Princess I'm so sorry. The queen transferred me into her service." Criston told her.

"Why?" Vaera questioned confused.

"I dishonored myself and you at the princess Rhaenyra's wedding." Criston reminded her.

"I don't care about Joffrey, I care about you!" Vaera told him. "I want you back." Vaera demanded. "You are mine. Father gave you to me."

"The queen-''

'I am going to Casterly rock after tonight." Vaera told him sadly. "I will be a stranger among the natives of Lannister lions.  I need my friend."

"That is unfortunate Princess-''

"Unfortunate is it?" Vaera scoffed 'What is with you?" Vaera shouted.

"I don't understand." Criston told her.

"Neither the fuck do I!" Vaera spat. Harwin heard shouting and stepped in cautiously. "What the fuck happened?"


"Stop it!" Vaera demanded. "Stop with the formality Criston, you are my friend, ive known you for ages why are you treating me as though I'm a stranger?"

"I'm sorry princess. I wish you the best of luck at Casterly rock." Criston told her softly he kept his head down and Vaera huffed out a breath.

"Get out." Vaera demanded.

"Princess." He said with a nod and Vaera clenched at her jaw, fury building in her.

"Argh!" It more of an angry hiss then a word but Harwin stepped forward closing the door behind him. "Am I crazy?" Vaera asked.

"No." Harwin answered immediately. "You are stunning though." Harwin told her and Vaera smiled softly as Harwin tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "So stunning."

"I don't want to marry him and move to Casterly rock." Vaera confessed.

"Run away with me." Harwin suggested and Vaera considered it. "But you wouldn't want to leave your family, because you have a big heart." Harwin told her kissing her cheek.

"I would run away with you." Vaera told him softly. There was a knock on the door and Harwin took a step back as Viserys came in.

"Oh Vaera, love you look so beautiful." Viserys told her, she gave him a sad smile. "I'm sorry this isn't what you wanted."

"Me too,'' Vaera admitted.

Illicit Affairs // Harwin Strong // Criston ColeWhere stories live. Discover now