17. Slow down

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"Hello Ser Criston." Vaera said sweetly.

"Princess, you look lovely today."

"Why thank you, you look very dashing yourself." Vaera informed him.

"You are missing the fun." Criston remarked looking for Harwin, Vaera's guard.

"I don't think so." Vaera corrected petting his horses mane her eyes drifting up to him. Vaera opened her mouth but Rhaenyra came running out.

"Vaera come on!" She demanded Vaera chased after her. "We are leaving." Vaera nodded jumping up onto a horse. Criston chased after them but they took off.

"Bye Criston!" Vaera called over her shoulder.

"Fuck." He murmured jumping up on his horse 'Princesses, wait!' Criston shouted chasing after them as he jumped on a horse. 'Princesses, slow down!' Criston shouted following them out. 'Hyah, hyah, hyah! Princesses! No!' Criston shouted slowing her down.

"He's fast." Vaera remarked as he was catching up to them quickly. Vaera didn't know why Rhaenyra wanted to run away but as her sister and best friend, it was her duty run with her.

'Whoa, whoa, now!' the horses neighed and kicked up as they got to the lake. Criston pulled on Vaera's reigns blocking their path, Vaera had the biggest of smiles on her face while Criston was less than happy and Rhaenyra looked on the verge of murderous.

'What happened back there?' Criston demanded.

'My father... trying to sell me off to Jason Lannister.' Rhaenyra told him miserably.

"what?" Vaera questioned. "Lannister's? Gross no." Vaera told her.

'Was... was I named heir to the Iron Throne so that I might only further raise the standing of a Lord of Casterly Rock?' Rhaenyra questioned them.

"No, never!" Vaera assured.

'Do you want me to kill him?' Criston offered and Rhaenyra chuckled debating it

''Vaera where is your guard where is ser harwin?'' Criston questioned

''He thinks I'm with father''. Vaera remarked Criston stared back at her. ''Because I told him I would be so he was training and please don't tell him," Vaera said sheepishly. "I hate that disappointed look he gives me when I cause trouble.'' Vaera begged. Criston chuckled.

"You are always causing trouble princess he should be used to it." Criston reminded her. "And he will know when half that guards are out looking for you two." Criston told them and Vaera sighed. 'We should return to camp, Princesses.'

'It's a beautiful day. We should take in the Kings wood.' Vaera countered as the birds chirped in the distance. They walked their horses along the trail as they talked, rhaenyras misery fading.

'Were you ever betrothed, Ser Criston?' Rhaenyra asked and Vaera glanced past her horse at him.

'I had an adventurous youth when my father served at Blackhaven, to be sure. But my station was never high enough for a formal betrothal. Before I spoke my vows as a knight of the Kings guard, I could've married a common-born girl had I wished.' Cole remarked

'How lucky you are to have a say in your own life.'

'Many in the realm would gladly trade positions with you, Princesses.'

'Only because none of them has ever held my position. I may be the Princess of Dragons tone, but I am toothless.' Rhaenyra informed him. "Father is to set a match for you too Vee, don't look to content."

Illicit Affairs // Harwin Strong // Criston ColeWhere stories live. Discover now