75. Long Live

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Hoax // Benjen Stark Out Now!!

The queen is dead. Long live the king.


Larys heard the bells but was grabbed from behind and slammed against the side of the stables.

'Brother! What glorious-''

''Why did you do it?'' Harwin demanded. ''Why?''

''For power. For loyalty to the queen.'' Larys answered honestly.

''I cant believe we are related.'' Harwin groaned before slitting his throat to the bone. Larys choked for breath as he collapsed to Harwins feet he grasped at his neck his mouth moving wordlessly before it all stopped.


My Goddess. Vaera looked to calypso. Goddess. Deusa. Harwin was clever like that. All the childrens dragons were named after the Gods and Goddesses. Harwin declared Vaera his Goddess as well.

''Otto has to burn. Everyone that wants what Nyra is about to get. Needs to burn. DRACARYS Otto Hightower.'' She looked to see caraxes and syrax crawling up the cave.

''We are not going to get in trouble. I want to finish this war.'' Vaera told them.


''So much death and despair.'' Vaera said dramatically bringing a hand to her forehead. ''The loss of it all. Awh.''

''Vaera,'' criston chuckled.

''My precious Ty-barf and now our Qu-Maleficent and her father. What was he doing in the dragon pit. He knew it wasnt safe. He is not of targaryen blood and a total dick what did he expect?' Vaera declared as she picked out a dress for such momentous days. ''And oh did you happen to run into larys?''

''No. Why?''

''He's dead. Throat slit to the bone.'' Vaera informed him with a happy chuckle. Criston stared at her. ''It wasnt me I wouldnt hurt a fly ask my father.'' Vaera told him innocently.

''What are you going to do about the velaryons?'' Criston asked

''Do? Nothing. They are dead family.'' Vaera informed him. Criston stared at her. "Dear... dear family." She corrected. 

''Mm hmm' criston agreed.

''Honestly you think the worst of me. Im grieving the losses.'' Vaera told him.

''Mm hmm.''

''Stop that.'' Vaera demanded. ''You and Harwin did that when I was younger and it drove me crazy.''

''Still does apparently.'' Criston mused.

''What do you think? White or red.'' Vaera pointed between the dresses.

''Black.'' Criston offered. Vaera glanced back at him. ''Grieving remember.''

''Right right I keep forgetting.'' Vaera told him.

"You might want to wipe that smile off your face too." Criston remarked. Vaera stuck her tongue out at him.

''Hello Vizzy you waking up from your nap handsome?' Vaera asked moving to the crib as the girls came in.

''You have a really beautiful family Vaera.'' Criston told her.

''Thank you. They give me something to hold onto.'' Vaera informed him. He moved across the room and kissed her forehead.


''Aegon. Aemond. Helaena.'' Vaera offered them a small smile. ''I know this must be-''

''Are you my mother now?'' Aemond asked

''No. I cant fuck her if she is my mother.'' Aegon declared.

''I'd be okay with that.'' Helaena remarked. ''Not you... with Vaera but vaera being mother.'' Vaeras heart melted.

"I can be. Or I can be Vaera. Just know I'm here for you. Always..." Vaera told them. She never felt freer. She had her new fur baby patrolling striking fear into those loyal to Alicent, the dragons were handling what needed to be handled in the sky. But Hannibal loved Vaera and loved the girls. Vaera wasn't afraid of him and he respected her. It was a good match. But she missed Harwin.


''Queen Alicent attacked the princess Rhaenyra. She wasnt right in the head. She threatened a dragon. What an idiot the realm was better off with true Targaryens in charge.''

Criston stared at vaera as she kept her face calm and neutral as she braided her hair.

''Oh how we all adored Alicent but she couldn't handle the pressure, jumped right out the window.'' Vaera went on. ''But she leaves behind a legacy.'' Vaera assured. ''Her children. My siblings.'' Vaera looked up at Criston. ''Believable?'' Vaera asked after her speech.

''If I didnt know you better i would think it sincere.'' Criston agreed.

''Wonderful.'' Vaera agreed.

"I will leave you to it." Criston told her as he headed out,

"Criston." Vaera called and he turned towards her. "I'm glad to have my friend back."

"Me too." Criston agreed.

"Come my little loves, lets get you looking all pretty for this shindig." Vaera announced. Criston walked out into the hall when a ghost approached him. He blinked again and again moving down the hallway disbelieving.

''What? I thought- you were- what?'' Criston couldnt form words.

'Where are Vaera and the kids?'' Harwin demanded and criston stared at him in shock. ''Cole!'' Harwin demanded.

''Her chambers. They are preparing for the queens- how are you alive? Your brother said-''

''No doubt my brother set the fire.'' Harwin hissed marching past.


''Fuck off im getting my family.'' Harwin remarked pushing open vaera's door. She turned at the sound of the door slamming against the wall and her jaw dropped.

''Har-Harwin?'' She couldnt believe her eyes. He picked her up and she wrapped her arms around him. ''Oh my- you are- how!'' She stammered holding tight to him.

''Father!'' Haezel and Aemma declared running up to him.

''What happened? They told us you were dead! I thought you were-' Harwin kissed her silencing her and she held tight to him.

''Why are you all dressed up?'' Harwin questioned running a hand through Haezels hair.

''Mother killed the queen.'' Aemma reported.

"Maleficent jumped" Vaera countered

"Hannibal also killed Tyon and now we are pretending to be sad.'' Haezel told him and vaera noticed the burns on harwins neck. Her fingers gently pulled at his collar.

''Harwin,'' vaera whispered pushing him back. ''What happened? How are you alive?''

''You mean you moved on without me and found a new baby daddy?'' Harwin mused but vaera kissed him silencing him.

''Harwin im serious i grieved for you and rhaenyra for Gael. Is Gael-''

''My father and him... didnt make it. I was getting water when it went up in flames I tried to save them burned myself in the process love. They didnt make it.'' Vaera sighed deeply as she leaned into his touch.

''I'm so glad you are here.'' Vaera told him holding onto him, scared she was dreaming.

"what made you kill the queen after all this time?" Harwin whispered.

''Bitch hurt my sister and had you killed. She had to go. It was about damn time.'' Vaera told him confidently.

''And tyon?"

"Torn apart." Vaera told him.

''Gods I missed you. Lets go. Run away together. Us and the kids. We can start fresh.'' Harwin offered.

''Yes. I would like that.'' Vaera agreed kissing him again and again and again until her lips were numb and her brain fuzzy. Her cookie knight returned just a little bit burnt.

Illicit Affairs // Harwin Strong // Criston ColeWhere stories live. Discover now