51. Snitch

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''That snitch!'' Vaera declared. Harwin couldnt help but smile. "I wanted it to be a surprise!" Vaera declared kissing his chest.

"I can act surprised." Harwin offered.

"I wanted it to be a real surprise." Vaera told him as he wrapped his arms around her.

''Little love... are we having another baby?'' Harwin asked putting his hands on her stomach.

''We are.'' Vaera confirmed wrapping her arms around him as he picked her up. ''But...'' she whispered ''this means we have to take a trip to casterly rock.'' Harwin nodded slowly. ''So at least he can pretend its his. Not that he cares. Not that I want him here or part of Haezel's life.'' Vaera told him honestly.

''I understand,'' harwin assured.

''I love you.'' She whispered. ''I want another girl''. Vaera told him.

''Yeah baby I think that would be perfect. Perfect like you.'' Harwin told her kissing her again and again.


"I never understood the... appeal of lions. They boast about them but unlike Targaryens they don't actually use lions in their every day life." Vaera remarked as they landed.

"One of these days I'm not going to be terrified of falling when we fly Calypso." Harwin remarked sliding down. He reached his hands out for her. Knowing full well that she didn't need his help but knowing that she liked his hands on her any chance possible.

"Wife!" Tyon announced.

"Hus... Tyon." Vaera said forcing a smile.

"What a lovely surprise." Tyon said and vaera looked to the knew woman at his side. "Oh this is Sharon... my paramour." Vaera nodded keeping the smile on her face. Harwin was less happy about his blatant flaunting of his mistresses. But Vaera reached a hand back and touched his arm. It calmed him immediately.

"So nice to meet you Shae." Vaera said.

"Sharon." She corrected.

"Right, well if I could have a moment with my hus-Tyon?" Vaera said choking on the words.

"Right." She said bitterly. "What is she doing here?" Vaera heard her hiss to Tyon.

"Probably wants my cock." Tyon told her smugly.

"Everyone does." Sharon agreed and Vaera couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips.

"The bed chambers?" Tyon offered.

"The lion pit actually." Vaera corrected walking off. Tyon stared at her a moment before chasing after her.

"How is Harriet?" Tyon asked and Vaera glared up at him. "Harriet." He repeated and Vaera gave him a blank look before glancing back at Harwin. He just shrugged confused. "You know Harriet. The little one..."

"I don't think I know a Harriet." Vaera told him still confused as they walked.

"Harriet you idiot." Tyon shouted and Harwin tightened his hand on the hilt of his blade.

"I don't know a Harriet." Vaera spat back.

"Our daughter!" Tyon reminded her.

"Haezel." Vaera hissed. "Not harriet you cunt."

"Right, that's what I said." Tyon told her nonchalantly.

"No you didn't.' Vaera seethed.

"Did you bring Harriet with you?"

"Haezel." Vaera corrected.

"Did you bring HAEZEL-'' he annunciated '-with you?"

"I came on dragon back." Vaera reminded him.

"So? They don't have side carriages for dragons?" Tyon asked and Vaera looked back at Harwin perplexed.

"No. They don't."

"What a shame." Tyon told her and Vaera sucked in a tight breath.

"Lions. Show me the lions."

"They are quite well trained. Not Hannibal but the others."


"Vicious old cunt. He has attacked and eaten at least three lions." Tyon told her and Vaera nodded approvingly. "Why do you want to meet the lions?'

"I am a Lannister as Maleficent likes to remind me." Vaera said through a forced smile. "So... I thought I would bond with them."

"Oh... are we not making another child? I would prefer a son." Tyon told her.

"I don't really get a choice in the matter. But Haezel wants a sister and I'm partial to what she wants." Vaera informed him sweetly.

"Yes but I am your husband and I should get what I want." Tyon corrected as Vaera held out a hand the lion grumbled before her.

"Ask Shae for a son." Vaera suggested. "I'm sorry, I mean Sharon." Vaera corrected innocently but Harwin saw the venom in her eyes. 

Illicit Affairs // Harwin Strong // Criston ColeWhere stories live. Discover now