52. Maleficent

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Vaera felt like a mother duck. She walked her hands perched at the top of her pregnant stomach. Aegon, Helaena, Aemond, Jace, Haezel and Luke following behind her. Haezel held to Lukes hand as he stumbled along wanting to be like the big kids.

Viserys stopped and stared a smile on his face as vaera and her ducklings walked pass.

''Daddy,'' she said sweetly kissing his cheek.

''Hi baby... you have some little shadows.'' Viserys remarked smiling down at them.

''Yes. I am grooming them young.' Vaera agreed

''Grooming for what love?'

Vaera smiled innocently.

''Taking back the castle from Maleficent. Obviously,'' she said and viserys stared at her before smiling.

''My sweet girl. ''

''Have the children imprinted on vaera?'' Rhaenyra mused when she saw them in the courtyard.

''Looks that way princess,'' Criston agreed.

''You and vaera and ser Harwin used to be connected at the hip.'' Rhaenyra remarked. ''Now she barely looks at you. What happened?'' Criston let out a deep sigh as he turned to go inside. ''I asked you a question Ser Criston.'' Rhaenyra called after him.

''I fucked up princess,'' criston informed her. ''But she is better for it.'' Rhaenyra nodded looking back to the kids chasing after Vaera.


Alicent watched with complete hatred as Vaera played with the children. They doted over her clung to her chased after her called her name. When it was time for bed and they wanted to be tucked in didn't want them either they wanted vaera. When they wanted to songs they didn't want her dreadful singing voice they wanted vaera. Vaera's songs were better, Vaera's stories were better. When Alicent pretended to be a good mother it was useless because they didn't want her now anyways. When it was time to break their fast in the morning who had to be at the table before they could start eating... You guessed it vaera.

To say that it was difficult for Alicent would be an understatement. Her arch nemesis was everyone's favorite. Everyone. Her children her husband the entire castle loved vaera more than their own queen. It has been years since Alicent was anointed the crown gave birth to the new Realms delight. Yet Vaera. Vaera.

Her guard was still obsessed with Vaera. Everyone was obsessed. She could do no wrong. She threaten the queen on a daily basis made her life a living hell. And she didn't really understand why. She had tried to love viserys. She didnt. But she tried. She pretended to. No one else saw through her act but Vaera. Somehow she knew. And somehow she made it her goal in life to make Alicent miserable. It was working.

Alicent saw her children doting over vaera clinging to her chasing after. It made her sick.

Vaera was still the baby. Always the baby. Always viserys perfect baby. His angel. But vaera was more like Daemon. Trouble and mischievous.

Devil incarnate.

Devil in disguise.

Alicent saw past her tilted halo. Now she just had to convince the rest of the world of the monster vaera truly was and get her shipped off to casterly rock for good. 

Illicit Affairs // Harwin Strong // Criston ColeWhere stories live. Discover now