Chapter 22

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Tobias drags us to the trains so quickly that I almost fall on my face several times. I would have, too, had Tobias not had the tightest grip on my hand. The tracks shudder as the massive train rounds the corner, clattering loudly over the tracks. Tobias and I leap through the air, propelling ourselves into the compartment. The feeling of floating, if only momentary, accompanies our leap, sending a rush of adrenaline through my veins.

Tobias stumbles a bit on his landing inside of the train, but quickly rights himself. We stand in silence, peaking our heads out of the door occasionally to feel the cool rush of the harsh wind on our faces. The landscape flashes by in a blur of muddled colors, blinking hues of green and blue.

The brilliant hues quickly fade into dull, drab flashes of grey as we enter the abnegation section, the uniform houses containing uniform people. Tobias and I leap from the train on to the gravel, our hands scraping on the small pebbles as we land. Before we can take two steps away from the train, a loud bang echoes from behind us. In the distance, a black mass of people storm from the amity compound. But they can't be amity, that's not amity behavior. Tobias and I glance at each other and, in a spilt second, we are dashing back to the compound. It takes fifteen minutes to get there at a full sprint. Nothing seems out of order on the outside, but the noise from inside tells a different story. We pull open the door that allows us to enter without jumping off a building and dash inside. People run back and forth, grabbing guns and shutting doors. I reach out blindly and pull someone out of the mass of people. Zeke emerges with wild eyes, a gun clutched in one hand.

"What?" He asks impatiently

"What the hell is going on?" I demand.

"People stormed the gates. People from outside." He explains before dashing off. Tobias and I run to his apartment, swinging open the door and grabbing two guns from under the sink. We find ourselves back in the pit soon after, surrounded by others clothed in black.

A loud bang caused the compound to quake. A few hundred soldiers, dressed in black with blue bones crossing over their backs, stormed into the compound. Their thundering feet reverberated off the stone walls as they stormed around us. Through they had guns a few hindered were no match for angry Dauntless. That's when the loud bangs signaled the beginning of the gunfire

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