Chapter 2

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I struggle to pull a confused Four across town because theres no way I'd get him on a train. Eventually I see Zeke sulking around the train tracks near the compound.

"YO ZEKE!" I yell and his head whips in my direction upon spotting Four, who is currently stumbling around muttering something about bees, he looks utterly confused. He jumps up and sprints over to us.

"Hey Four, Christina" he says. At the mention of his name Four whips his head around and points to himself as if asking 'me?'. I shake my head and direct my gaze to Zeke.

"What happened to him?" Zeke asks

"He took the memory serum" I mutter and Zeke stands there shocked.

"HE WHAT, AND YOU LET HIM" he shouts after a moment of silence.

"Zeke he's twice my hight and could snap me in half if he wanted to." I say

"Right, need help getting him back?" I nod and we both guide slash drag Four to the Duantless compound. Once were there we walk in the door on the side of the building that is reserved for Duantless members.

I thank Zeke and Guide Four to his room. Once there I tell him basic information, his name(Four) his faction (Duantless) and his friends which sadly consists of Zeke, Shauana and I.

The government allowed us to keep our faction system since, one they couldn't remember a good reason not to and two, they were to out of it to care. As I watch Four pace around the room I wonder if things will ever be the same.

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