Chapter 14

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Once we got back to apartment I started setting blankets and pillows on the couch. My mom came over and helped me by smoothing the blankets and when I was done she put away the extras.

"Okay so uh..." I start "mom if you want you can borrow some of my clothes.'re on your own" my mom walks with me into my bedroom where I throw her a long selves top and pj bottoms. While she changes I slip into the covers on the couch and snuggle down into them.


My restless sleep is disturbed by a banging a the door. Limbs point in every direction as I stretch, pushing away sleep. Slowly, I make my way to the door and pull it open to find a very hyper Zeke.

"Morning Trissy!" Zeke shouts

"Shhh my parents are asleep" I whisper/yell

"But aren't- never mind. I wanted to know if you would come zip lining with the rest of us. Around noon."

"Duh it's zip lining of course I'll be there"

"Great, can you ask Four if he wants to?"

"No I can't ask Four. You do it"

"Oh no tris what did he do?"

"Nothing, it's not important" I mutter

"Your going to be that way? Fine I'll ask him but you two need to talk."he says as he walks away. Sighing, I walk into the kitchen and fix a breakfast of plain eggs, because my abnegation parents would rather have that, I'm assuming. Once I'm done I silently slip into my closet and pull out a V-neck shirt that shows my tattoos.

Back in the kitchen, my parents sit around the table, silently eating eggs. I walk over to the fridge and pour myself a glass of milk, quickly downing it. My mom stands behind me, smiling at my...shirt? No, my tattoos.

"I love the birds, what does it mean?"

"One bird for each member of the family I left behind." I say with a smile.
without a word my mother rolls up her grey sleeved coat, revealing an intricate rose tattoo, the thorny vines curl about her bicep, small red rose buds dotting the plant.

"It's beautiful" I whisper. "I have to go, I'll see you later."

"Where are you off to?" My mom asks. Very curious for Abnegation though I don't mind.

"Zip lining with some friends" I tell her

"Oh zip lining!" She exclaims.

"Yeah, want to come?" I ask

"Yes!" She squeals. I like this side of her, the part that isn't stifled by abnegation tendencies, the part that is more exciting. She ditches her jacket as I hand her one of my tops, a three-quarter length sleeved black top, and puts it on.

My mom tries to convince my dad to come with us but he adamantly refuses, insisting that he wanted to explore the compound. Though both my parents transferred to Abnegation they still possess the traits of their previous factions. My mother zip lining, my fathers erudite curiosity, touring the compound.


My friends were laughing and smiling atop the Hancock building when we arrived. Zeke harassed Shauana and Marlene with his brother. Christina stands talking with Will. The thing that surprises me the most is Tobias's presence, though he looks extremely uncomfortable and stands far away from the edge, he's still here. Zeke halts his laughing long enough to greet me. He pauses mid sentence when he spots my mother, her abnegation still denoted by the bun atop her head. Smiling, I reach over and pull out a few pins, allowing her hair to fall over her shoulders. She smiles back and turns to Zeke.

"Uh... Tris, who's this?" Zeke asks.

"This is my mom, she wanted to come"

"Abnegation zip lining? That's a first" he mutters.

Everyone, except Four of course, gathers near the edge waiting for their turn. Zeke calls out or somone to go first and, surprisingly, my mom volunteers.

"Wow, first things must run in the family." Zeke says.

"What?" My mother asks

"Your daughter jumped first during initiation" Uriah explains. My mother shoots me a proud smile and fastens herself into the harness. With a joyfull shriek, she plummets down the line. Before the next person goes Zeke yanks me aside along with Four and leads us to a corner.

"Make nice" Zeke says and walks off. Tobias pales slightly due to our closeness to the edge. I pull him farther away from the edge. His breathing is still uneven but less so than a moment before.

"Hi" he says awkwardly.

"Hey" I mutter

"I really don't know how Zeke got me up here." He says with a shaky laugh.

"Neither do I" I laugh

"Uh... I'm sorry about the other day. I didn't mean to upset you" he says

"It's okay, you didn't know"

"Uh... why were you so upset."

"Oh, um it... it's not important" I mutter.

"Oh god" he groans " I hate being up here."

I gently push him into a sitting position, hoping to help with the hight. He puts his head in his knees and takes a deep breath. My arm goes across his shoulders, trying to calm him down.

"I don't think I can do it Tris" he mutters

"If you want we can go together" I suggest. he nods and stands, slowly approaching the zip line. Everyone else has gone so we don't have to wait. Zeke hands us a double harness, obviously hearing our conversation. We slip into it and get ready to get on the line. Zeke stops me and leans close to my ear.

"I only got him to come up here by saying that you'd be here" he whispers. A smile appears on my face and I give Zeke a slight hug.

We hook into the zip line and we begin to sail down the line. Tobias shrieks above me, paleing slightly. I reach around and grab his hand looking at him.

Before we know it we arrived at the bottom of the line. Everyone is gathered in a circle below us. we drop together and fall into the jumble of limbs. My mom still has a smile etched on her face.

We walk, as a group, back to the compound. The smile never leaving any of our faces.

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