Chapter 15

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Everyone is gathered around the table in the cafeteria, laughing and talking. My parents sat a few tables away, eating in a peaceful silence. We talked about random things for around an hour, nothing serious, just meaningless conversation. Tobias eventually says that he was going to head to his room so we said our goodbyes. The minute he exited the dining hall I turned to the group with a serious expression on my face.

" We have got to fix that" I said, gesturing to the way Tobias had left

" I second that, what do you prepose?" Asked Zeke, several people at the table looked incredulously at him

" Would you look at that" Muttered Lynn " He knows big boy words" After a few minutes of snickering I regained my serious demeanor.

" Caleb said that his memory will only come back with hard work. He suggested that a very influential person took him to some memorable places." I recited

" Well obviously that person is you Tris" Mar chirped, which caused me to blush. I don't know why it made me blush, I suppose its the positive comment. That would have been frowned upon in Abnegation, but its nice nonetheless.

" Places anyone?" Shauana asked

" Ferris wheel " I chirped

" Training room" Zeke peeped

" Fear landscape room or his actual landscape" Lynn said

" The Chasm" Uri suggested

" His former faction maybe" Will chimed in

" Lets start with these. But guys what if I'm not the one to do it?"

" Tris he loves you. I've never seen that guy cry until you 'died' He was a wreck Tris. No one else could mean that much to him" Zeke said, everyone else nodded their agreement. I smiled slightly at them and we spent the rest of the day planing about how to get Tobias's memory back.

" So did Caleb give a time limit on getting the memory back?" Uriah asks

" What?" I wonder

" Like... if we take to long, are the effects permanent?" He rephrases

" No. I don't think so, anyways." I ponder this for a while, recalling what Caleb said, searching for anything that may have implied this. I find nothing.

" How does this serum even work? Are the memories erased, like floating in the air around his head or something? Or are they just stored where we can't get to them?" Lynn asks. Everyone's head turns to Will, who gazes back with his eyebrows raised.

" Just because I'm and Ex-Erudite doesn't mean that I know everything that happens there" we look at him, incredulous " okay I do but serums were never my forte"

"Lucky for you it was my forte" a deep voice says from behind us, my father.

" You were Erudite?" Will wonders, I guess no one bothered to tell him.

"Yes I was" my dad answers curtly "and to answer your question, the memories are just stored in a part of the brain that isn't easily accessible."

"So what Caleb said is accurate? It just takes familiar places with an influential person?" I ask

"Exactly. But get on it, it gets harder to retrieve the memories over time" with that he walks away.

"Let's do this" Uriah cheers

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