Chapter 23

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I apologize in advance


A loud bang caused the compound to quake. A few hundred soldiers, dressed in black with blue bones crossing over their backs, stormed into the compound. Their thundering feet reverberated off the stone walls as they stormed around us. Through they had guns, a few hundred soldiers were no match for angry Dauntless. That's when the loud bangs signaled the beginning of the gunfire.

The knife tucked in my boot was already hurled at a man with his gun pointed to Uriah. The sleek black gun clung to my hand, carefully being aimed at the renegades. Every time I pointed my weapon at solider, their body slapped the floor. Pressure on my back caused me to whip my head around, only to be met with two blue eyes. Four and I fought back to back as the solders numbers dropped.

Before I could react a gun fired from across the room, it's sights set on me. Time slowed down as the bullet hurled toward me, turning through the air. A shape intercepted the blow, springing I front of me. A crack filled my ears as the persons head smacked against the floor, blood pouring from a wound in their side. I almost dismissed the shape, though it sounds awful, ignoring the person who saved my life, I thought that was what had to be done. Gunshots still rang in my ears and my friends still fought. I almost dismissed the body, until I realize there was no one behind be. No warm back pressed to mine.

The person who saved my life was Tobias. He's bleeding out in front of me. And I almost left him laying there.

I raised my voice above the gunfire, which had substantially lessened, and shouted for Zeke. He was by my side in a moment, his gun still gripped tightly in his hands. His eyes widened as he saw his friend laying motionless on the ground. Headless of the gun, fire he reached down and scooped up Tobias's still shape. I followed as Zeke sprinted as fast as he could to the infirmary with Tobias draped over his shoulder. The moment we streaked into the hospital we were greeted with a gurney, which Tobias was promptly placed on.


The next few hours were a blur, nurses rushing in and out, doctors shouting at other doctors, blood everywhere. Neither Zeke or I said a word for the time we sat in a waiting room, to nervous to break the silence between us. Countless tears slipped down my cheek in that chair, falling onto my hands which shook.

A docter, clothed in blue scrubs, walked into the waiting room. I tensed immediately, as I had with everyone else who had walked into the room, hoping for news on Tobias.

"Four" he shouted into the loud room, filled with chattering worried families, hoping for news on their loved ones. Zeke and I bolted to the doctor, who looked at us, smiling. Not a happy smile, or a reasuring one, but a sad one, one that could only bring bad news. This thought made the tears stream down my face faster and, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't slow them. Its odd, Tobias possible death affected me more than my parents, more than the friend that I killed, and I had only known him for a short time. Love is a powerful thing, It magnifies grief but also magnifies happiness. It makes the pain of loss harder to bare, but makes the journey so much more amazing.

" He's awake" The doctor said simply. The tone he used left room for more to be said " He lost so much blood. Even if we did have the right type..." He trailed off. But he didn't need to finish his meaning was plain. Even if they had the right type, which they don't, there wasn't enough time. We followed the man to Tobias's room, tears streaming down my face every step of the way.

The sight that I was met with was enough to make me wish I was on the other side of the world. Tobias lay, pale and hardly conscious, hooked up to several of machines, one of witch produced a weak and uneven beeping. My feet carried me into the room before I had the chance to second guess myself. The chair deflated a bit as I sat on it and pushed it closer to Tobias's bed. His hand twitched weakly toward me, pleading me to grab it. I did so and, with some hesitancy, met Tobias's eyes. I was also veugly aware of Zekes presence behind me, his hand set confortingly on my shoulder and his teardrops in my hair. Tobias found it within him to muster a weak smile, a twitch of the mouth that didnt spread to his eyes.

" Tris" He whispered hoarsely. Hearing him speak had made me realize that this was real, not a dream as I had hoped.

" Tobias" I sobbed, leaning my head on his shoulder

" Tris, I remember" He croaked. My head shot up and I stared at him, disbelieving.

" How" was the only word I could get out

" When that guy shot at you, it reminded me of the Buero, I guess that did it" He said, his voice dry and raspy. Before I could even ask my next question Zeke answered it.

" They showed us the video of what happened" He explained

" Zeke, Im so sorry about Uriah. I shouldn-" He started

" Save it dude, you've been forgiven already" Zeke said with a chuckle.

" I love you so much" I cried

" Tris, Im glad you came back. I love you so much more than you know. Im sorry, I didnt want to leave you" He croaked. Before I could ask my next question I was cut off with a long shreik and Tobias's closed eyes. It took a moment for me to conect the two. The moment I did an inhuman sound erupted from my throat, strong arms wrapped around my torso, preventing me from running to him. Zeke dragged me backwards despited my weak attempts to fight, the life havering been drained out of me. Doctors and nurses, dressed in verying colors, shot into the room and started trying to start his heart, to no avail. The glass door was shut and, in the hallway, I sank to my knees and cried, harder than ever before. I cried for Tobias, for him lying in there, dead. I cried for Zeke, who had just watched his best friend die right infront of him. But mostly I cried for me, for me losing the love of my life again. My sadness was acompinied by, not erased by, anger. At the world at the mystery man with the gun who aimed to take my life. Screams echoed through the hallway, my anguished crys and my pleas for him to stay, bouncing off the walls.

A scrubbed doctor came into the hallway, the forlorn look on his face enough to tell me that it hadnt worked. They hadnt been able to save him. He was gone. Sobs came from my mouth but the only thing that echoed in my head was me wishing for another kiss, another glance, another smile, another chance.

So...early update... I'm sad now.

I actually had trouble writing this through my tears. I'm sorry. Actually, I'm not. This was the plan from the start and I'm a terrible person. So, I'm going to go and cry for a while because I'm honestly wounded by my own writing. There's still more to come.

Stay fluffy🐼

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