Chapter Tobias

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Tris POV

Today is the day I go back to Duantless. Let me rephrase that, today is the day that I get to see Tobias again, him and all the others. No one would tell me anything about him. I wonder if he knows I'm alive?

I'm in a shiny Erudite car driving down the bumpy road toward Duantless. I'm so glad I get to be back here. I've only been gone for a few weeks but I never thought I'd get to see it again. I have a surprise for everyone there when we get back.

Then I see it. The small structure that is the entrance to the Duantless compound. My knees starts to shake in anticipation. We pull into the small lot in the back and, despite Caleb's protests I climb the building, I want to feel the rush of jumping. It shouldn't be a problem since I'm fully healed.

Laugning, I jump into the large hole positioned over the net. My back smashes into the rough material and I bounce up and down, giggiling, as I land in the corse net, the rough fibers scratching my skin. This is the first place I met Tobias, just the thought of him makes me giddy. My patience lost, I run into the pit, Caleb told my friends I would meet them there.

My pace quick, I dash into the center of Duantless. There I see my friends, Shauana sits in her wheel chair, Zeke standing behind her. Christina stands by him grinning widely.

At this point we all have tears running down our cheeks. Some part of my brain realizes that Tobias isn't here, but I don't worry to much about it. I bound over and engulf Zeke and Christina in a hug. They cry on my shoulders and I on theirs. I break away and embrace Shauana. For most of the time we stand in a sobbing circle, telling each other how much we missed everyone.

After a while we pull ourselves together and I spin around, trying to spot Tobias. I turn to the others and almost forget his absence when I remember what I had to tell them.

"Guys guess what?" I say " they found more serum!" I shout. They didn't catch on.
"Which means" I add "they can bring more people back. Can you guess who?" They look blankly at me for a moment and shock fills their faces when they realize what I mean.

" You guessed it" I say "they'll be here tomorrow "

"Even Will?" Asks Christina

"Will, Uriah, Marlene and Lynn" I say and they engulf me in a hug again. Once again I notice the lack of people with numbers for names.

"Guys" I start "Wheres Tobias" possibilities swirl through my head. Does he not know I'm back? Does he not care? Is he mad? Maybe I'm overreacting, maybe he wanted to meet me somewhere secluded.Everyone looks at me sadly. They knew I was going to ask this. This can't be good.

"What did he do?" I ask, they don't answer " What did he do?!" I shout. no one meets my eyes but I hear two words that break me, coming from Zekes mouth. Two words that will change everything;

"Memory serum"

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