2. Flatter, Flirt, Fu-

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"Flatter, flirt and –'

'If you say fuck him,' Aelsa said with a laugh. "I'm going to be concerned at the kind of woman you think I am, cousin."

"I know the kind of woman you are which is why I know you can woe him with ease." Tyland corrected.

"Easy," Aelsa agreed with a smug grin.

"I'm on the council, I can get you an in but you have to do the leg work." Tyland told her.

"Actual work?" Aelsa clicked her tongue with distaste. "I'm more the beauty then the muscle." Aelsa teased.

"This is no joking matter, the crown needs a queen, you will be that queen." Tyland hissed.

"I shall, I always knew I would look fabulous in a crown." Aelsa agreed running her fingers through her long blonde hair.

"You can't fuck anyone else while you are here, you need to be the imagine-'

'I think I can keep my dress on while I'm wooing the...' but her words drifted off. "Who is that fine specimen of a man?" Aelsa declared leaning back to watch him disappear around the corner. "Nice ass too."

"Aelsa! What did I just say?" Tyland hissed.

"Right, right, but I'm not good at keeping my hands to myself." Aelsa reminded him.

"Aelsa, I swear-'

'Don't swear we all know the vein in your neck pops out when you do." Aelsa mused. Tyland grit his teeth. "Right, so does he know I'm a choice or is this more, covert, secret mission?" Aelsa asked as they got closer.

"It's not... not a secret. He knows you are coming to visit and he is in need of a wife." Tyland said vaguely. Aelsa glanced over at him. "Win over Viserys, it wont be hard." Tyland assured. "Look at you, gorgeous."

"Baby I'm a gold rush.' Aelsa said walking forward he watched her go. This would either be very good for the lannister's or very fucking bad. He didn't know which at the moment but he was certain Aelsa could do it. "Make yourself scarce." Aelsa said with a wink as she knocked on Viserys door.

"Come on." He called and Aelsa smirked back at her cousin before entering.

"Cousin- Oh my, your grace please pardon my interruption." Aelsa said giving him her best curtsey. "I just arrived from Casterly rock and I must have taken a wrong turn."

"Lannister." Viserys remarked looking her over. The woman was certain beautiful.

"Yes, how rude of me, Aelsa Lannister, your grace."

"Pleasure." Viserys said giving her hand a kiss. "You were looking for your cousin?"

"Yes..." she said slowly "But I think I would like your company much better." She said boldly and Viserys smiled to himself. "Oh you like histories?" Aelsa questioned moving to his table and picking up the book, she didn't like history, not until she was in the books herself that is.

"Yes," Viserys agreed.

"It is always good for our leaders to know the failures and the success of the past so they can build a better future for us all." Aelsa told him proudly.

"That's right, that's how I feel." Viserys agreed.

"Great minds." Aelsa told him as she put down the book. She looked around his room to find things to keep her here without seeming to pushy but she knew others were at work trying to weasel their way in as well, she had to make an impression. Viserys was handsome, not her type but she could manage, the knight she saw earlier, dark hair, tall, muscled, goodness, that man gave her shivers.

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