29. Fucking The Queen

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''Call Vermax to heel, Prince Jacaerys.''

"Serve." Jace called. "Heel."

Rhaenyra's children were in Velaryon blues. Aelsa knew she should put them in Reds. Lannister and Targaryen reds. But Helaena liked greens said she blended into nature better. So Helaena wore many green dresses.

Aegon and Aemond felt very connected with his Lannister bloodline. They proudly wore golden lions and deep reds. Aelsa even stitched them herself. She imagined them as Aegon and Aemond Lannister or even... Strong.

"Come on..." the dragon keeper encouraged.

''Vermax!'' Jace called out ''Vermax!'' he called again louder this time. Vermax screeched.  'Vamos vamos.'

"Good work my prince."

''Zaldrizo aoho syt aeksio sagon ao bevilza, darilaros nuhys...'' he began speaking in high valyrian trying to soothe the dragon as a sheep was brought in.

'Holtz.' Jace declared.

''You must hold mastery over your dragon, my young Princes.''

''Hae Darilarot Aegot Vvsperzomy.''

''As Prince Aegon has with Sunfyre.'' The dragon keeper told him. Aegon asked if they could get lions make a lion pit. Aemond then promptly asked if he could have a lion. The dragon tamers shook their heads thinking it a joke.

''Zijosy aot tetiri ozlettosy, toli rybagon zirylo vindilza.''

''Once they're fully bound to you, they will refuse to take instruction from any other.'' Vermax screeched out moving against command to get to the sheep.

'Can I say it?" Jace asked hopefully.

''Mm-hm.'' The dragon keeper agreed. The sheep baaed nervously as it was tied up. Jace stepped forward a giddy smile on his face.

''Dracarys, Vermax!'' Jace shouted and his dragon breathed flames onto the sheep happily before moving to its corpse and ripping it apart.


''This one has 60 rings... and two pairs of legs on each. That's 240.'' Helaena remarked looking down at the creature crawling over her hands.

''Yes, it is." Aelsa agreed running a hand over Helaenas hair.

''It has eyes... though... I don't believe it can see.'' Helaena told her softly completely captivated by the creature.

''And why is that so, do you think?'' Aelsa questioned. Helaena was captivated and Aelsa was amazed at how her mind worked.

''It is beyond our understanding.''

''I suppose you're right. Some things just are.'' Aelsa agreed. "Saw you and Jace together... he really adores you..." aelsa remarked.

"Hes sweet." Helena agreed. "Gave me a flower yesterday." Helaena smiled back at it on her dresser and Aelsa saw happiness in Helaenas eyes that she never saw unless Helaena was exploring new creetures.

"You like him?" Aelsa pondered.

"I... yeah. I like him a lot." Helaena agreed. The door opened catching their attention.

''Your Grace. Aemond.'' Criston announced.

"Hello my love." Aelsa declared.

''The last ring has no legs at all." Helaena went on her gaze shifting back to the creature on her arm.

"Hi mama." Aemond said hugging her tight.

"Good lessons?" Aelsa questioned.

"I suppose." Aemond agreed.

"Maybe we get an egg soon?" She offered. She still didnt really understand it. Helaena had been bonding with dreamfyre and Aegon bonded with sunfyre.

''He'll have to close an eye.'' Helaena continued talking to herself and her little creepy crawly.

"I dont know. Maybe a lion?" Aemond requested

"You want a lion?" Aelsa chuckled kissing the top of his head. "I will get you a little lion." She agreed.


''Laenor has written. Rhaenyra has delivered another son.'' Laena said as she approached Daemon in the tower.

'Does your brother mention if this one also bears a marked but entirely coincidental resemblance to a knight, or a guard, or perhaps a stable boy?'' Daemon said with a chuckle

''He seems to have left that detail out.'' Laena said softly as she sat next to him.

''Mm.'' Daemon agreed, everyone knew of Laenor's activities. It was no shock Rhaenyra's children were bastards.

''I miss my brother, Daemon. As I think do you." Laena offered

''I miss Westerosi strong wine. It could be depended on for a few hours of peaceful oblivion. This amber shit that they drink here.'' Daemon countered spilling his wine as he got up.

''Do you never long for home?''


''I don't believe you.'' Laena countered


Harwins fingers gently brushed her warm skin as he unhooked the top of her dress and Harwin felt her shiver. Smiling, Harwin was happy to see that she was just as affected as he was still after all this time.

Ever so slowly, Harwin untied the black ribbons and released the hooks and freed her. He took every opportunity to touch her silky skin, relishing when Harwin saw goosebumps appear on her arms. His dick was inches away from her perfect ass. But he spun her around wanting to see her eyes. She smiled up at him reaching for him.

Aelsa was bare before him and it still amazed him how perfect she was every curve every faded stretch mark from three children. Every inch of her.

"The desires that fill me when I look at you." Harwin whispered.

"And what desires are these?" Aelsa mused

"To take you every time I lay my eyes on you,"

"You have denied us both such pleasures. That truly is a crime. But I'm not sure I should take mercy on you."

Harwins eyes were dark as he reached for her. Wrapping his arms around her hips and pulling her in close before laying hot, wet kisses on her skin.

Criston was standing guard and Aelsa had forgotten about him completely she always told him she didn't need a guard at night. She barred the door and was fine but he wanted to speak with her. He hesitated debating leaving when he heard moans of pleasure coming from her chambers. He knew he should have left. That wasn't his business. Good for the king still able to make his queen moan that much but then be heard it.

"H-H-Harwin!" Aelsa panted out in a euphoric haze as he pounded into her. Cristons eyes went wide. Harwin was fucking the queen.

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