32. Without You

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Forever and Always // Aemond// Daemon x Mikaelson crossover out now!!

"He wants to send you away". Aelsa whimpered.

"I know." Harwin agreed.

"I dont want you to go!" Aelsa declared.

"Im sorry. Im so sorry I did this."

"You didnt do anything I fell in love and now its all my fault," Aelsa whimpered. "I dont want to live in a world without you..."


"What a collection of heroes I have before me.'' Larys remarked his cane clicking on the ground as he made it to the prison. ''A murderer... a deviant... a traitor to the crown. For your crimes, you've been sentenced to death by hanging.''

''What do you want with us?''

''I am prepared to offer you mercy... if you're prepared to pay a little price.'' Larys told him confidently. They were willing and their tongues were removed burned off they wailed and wailed.


''Be good to your mother, lads. I'll visit when I can. But that may be some time.'' Harwin remarked looking down at the boys. ''Aemond. I will return... I promise.''

''I will be a stranger when we meet again.'' Aemond countered softly as Harwin hugged him goodbye. 

''Your grace." Harwin whispered kissing her cheek as he headed out.

"I will fix this". Aelsa declared grabbing his hand. "I dont want you to go. I need you. I love you." Harwin pulled her with him leading her down the hall and into her chambers.

"Come with me. We can run away". Harwin suggested completely serious.

"Thats mad. But brilliant and wonderful". Aelsa agreed kissing him fiercely.

"Pack a bag and I will meet you in two days. I can get a horse ready for us once at harenhal. My father wont stop us. No one will." Harwin offered.

"We start over. Start fresh," Aelsa agreed.

"I love you."

Aelsa packed a bag small and simple just some jewelry they could sell some trinkets and memories. She couldnt leave her boys. She couldnt steal them away though could she?


"Aemond..." Aelsa remarked. "Whats wrong?"

"Are you leaving?" Aelsa sighed knealing before him. "Can I come too?" Aemond offered and Aelsa smiled softly as she kissed his forehead.

"Its going to be an adventure and it has to be a secret". Aelsa told him. "We are not coming back." aelsa swallowed the lump in her throat.

"I want to go with you. Can I go with you mama? Dont leave me." Aemond begged.

"Yes." Aelsa confirmed. "I wouldnt have it any other way."

"I can fit in the trunk!" Aegon declared popping up and scaring them both. "We are being sneaky right?" Aegon countered.

"You love Ser Harwin. Are we going away with him?" Aemond questioned.

"Yes. I love him. I love you two so much. Get out of the trunk we are packing light." Aelsa remarked hugging them to her.

A fire broke out at Harenhal, it was a pile of rubble bodies burned and charred beyond recognition.

When the news reached the capital it was far too late.

''What are children, but a weakness? A folly? A futility? Through them, you imagine you cheat the great darkness of its victory." Larys remarked. ''You will persist forever, in some form or another. As if they will keep you from the dust.''

''But for them... you surrender what you should not. You may know what is the right thing to be done, but... love stays the hand. Love... is a downfall..." larys remarked "your grace? Your grace are you here?"


"The queen is gone..."

"The princes as well."

Viserys searched the grounds before finding a note.

-Viserys you are a wonderful man. I do love you. I had to see Ser Harwin off. He has been a dear friend to me. The boys and I needed to say goodbye. Be back soon. all my love, Aelsa.

"The queen went to harrenhal to say goodbye. Is she... is she..."

So many bodies, all charred beyond recognition.

"My wife, my queen... She..." Viserys was so distraught. Aelsa had been a dutiful wife and as he aged she turned her attention to the children. Spent so much time loving them and teaching them.

He didnt spend much time with Aelsa recently but he saw how wonderful her light had been throughout the castle. Helaena stared back her father as he delivered the news.

"Gone?" Helaena questioned confused.

"I am having the castle, the rubble... any sign of your mother..." Viserys informed her.

A funeral for the queen and her sons were prepared. No bodies, no dracarys, just a few kind words and Helaena captured a butterfly and let that butterfly fly over the land in memory of her family. They did try with Helaena but she preferred solitude. 

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