21. Water Rushes in

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"When I said I wanted to swim I meant in the day light." Aelsa told him.

"But we couldn't have any fun in the light of day. Too many eyes." Harwin reminded her as he shamelessly started stripping away his clothes.

"Come on." Harwin said and Aelsa didn't even look to check if they were truly alone, she shimmied out of her dress and he pulled it past full hips letting it fall to the ground. "Don't worry, no one patrols this way, to many stairs.' Harwin assured jumping in.

Aelsa ran into the water and was almost to Harwin when the bottom suddenly dropped away, much quicker and sharper than she had expected, and she went straight under like a stone.  He pulled her above the surface as she sputtered and grabbed frantically at him, finding his neck in her blind flailing and latching onto him while she coughed and choked in his face.  She was hanging off his front with her legs wrapped tightly around his middle when she finally caught her breath and he held her like a baby, patting her on the back and laughing quietly.

"you should have told me." Aelsa murmured laughing into him.

"I was going to catch you.' Harwin assured dunking her under again, she laughed out as he pulled her back up.

"Dick." Aelsa told him as she got settled around him.

He let her slide down until her underside was rubbing against the hair on his lower belly; the friction made her suck her breath in and she hugged onto him tighter with her arms and legs.  The cool water caressing their skin was wonderfully soothing and insanely arousing and she found herself very purposefully rubbing on him.. . her eyes must have drifted shut for a few seconds and when she opened them he was watching with a wicked little grin.

"No no, don't stop baby," he pleaded when she went still, suddenly embarrassed when she realized what she was doing was pretty much the equivalent of masturbating in public.  "Go on gorgeous, make yourself come," he murmured against her ear.  "It's okay...I'll help you."  

His hand slipped down between them and she squirmed when his fingers began stroking her, but he soothed her with gentle words until she relaxed and lay against his chest with her head on his shoulder, just letting him give her pleasure as the waves lapped softly against them.

Aelsa looked to Harwin and his lips were consuming her. Her hands wrapped tighter around him, thighs squeezed around his hips. She felt him harden under her. He kissed long and hard as though he needed her breath to breath and she felt his dick pushing against her wanting entrance He slipped himself into her and positioned one arm under her bottom to move her up and down on him, lifting and lowering her effortlessly in the weightlessness of the sea...it was pure heaven and she forgot that we were out in the open for anyone who cared to look and see them in all their public-lovemaking glory.  


''In truth, if it had to be someone, I'm glad it is you. I know this union is not what you would choose. I hold nothing against you, cousin. No, I... Rather... Dare I say it is a matter of taste? I prefer roast duck to goose. I cannot say why. It's, it's not for a lack of trying.'' Rhaenyra offered

''There are those who like goose very well.'' Laenor offered confused.

''I find it a bit greasy for my taste. I know that whatever agreement being struck up there will not change your appetites, nor will it change mine." Rhaenyra offered as her and Laenor walked the shores of driftmark.

''And what do you propose?''

''That we perform our duty to our fathers and to the realm and when it's done... each of us dines as we see fit.'' Rhaenyra offered

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