18. Suction

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There was a knock at the door and aelsa groaned but her smile appeared as Harwin kicked the door closed moving quickly to her his lips consuming hers she thought he was trying to devour her, maybe he was and she loved every singly second of it. He ripped her dress from her body and she loved the thrill of it as her dress fluttered to the ground. His mouth never left hers as he lay her back on the bed before trailing kisses down her breast and moving lower and lower, he didn't need to say a word as her head tipped back into the pillow her hands reaching out for him. He moved between her legs and she felt him licking and teasing, another whimpered escaped her as he plunged his tongue into her, covering her with the full of his mouth. Her toes curled, fists gripping the bed.

He pushed further in, drag slowly out, then back in again. Her knees stiffened, then buckle as her hips begin to twist as if she's pulling away but his grip on her hips tightens, pulling her back to him a whimper leaving her lips.

He spread her legs wider, flattening his tongue against her opening as he alternated licking and sucking. She dug her heels into the mattress, pushing against him, rocking into his mouth, she surrendered, her body beginning to rock into him faster, in a steady rhythm. She wanted more of this, every day and every night. Aelsa's hands grip the sheet on either side of her as she begins to rock harder and faster against his mouth. He sucked her clit into his mouth, savoring her taste.

''Harwin'' she rasped and he groaned into her. His hands wrapped around her thighs fingers digging into her ass. ''Har... win...'' she breathed out her heels digging into his back. Another knock.

''Your grace?''

''Just a moment.'' aelsa crocked out, she fisted harwins hair pulling him back but his lips suctioned onto her she whimpered. ''Har.. harw... ohhh'' she whimpered out. She felt his teeth nipping at her sensitive skin before licked up her length. "You torment me." Aelsa said breathlessly.

She threw a robe on moving to the door opening it a crack.

''The king requests you your grace.''

''Of course.'' Aelsa agreed. She waited for the handmaiden to leave before shutting the door. ''Kiss me like you fuck me.'' Aelsa demanded pulling him to her.


Meanwhile, Rhaenyra was getting her first experience with pleasures of the body as well. 

'What is this place?'

'It's where people come to take what they want.' Daemon told her as they walked through the pleasure house. She looked around at the people so openly fucking all around her, their moans echoed. 'Fսcking is a pleasure, you see. For the woman as it is the man.' Daemon informed her.

'A marriage is a duty...'

'Yes. But that doesn't stop us from doing what we want. From fսcking who we want.' Daemon told her his lips meeting hers his hand sliding up her leg before he pulled himself away. Breathlessly Rhaenyra opened her eyes watching him leave.

'Daemon?' she called after him but he was gone. She had to get back home, she ran through the streets getting to the castle she approached her door and Criston looked at her surprised. She was supposed to be in her room, fast asleep, how did she get around him?

'Princess? Princess, are you, are you hurt?' cirston questioned as she walked past him.  'I-I should alert the Lord Commander.'

'No.' Rhaenyra said taking his helmet

'My helmet.' Rhaenyra chucked, she had seen enough to know that she wanted more and she wanted Criston. Quickly they undressed themselves before they had a moment to think of how wrong it was, because it felt right.

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