14. Madly in Love

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Enchanted // Rhae Royce out now!!

"Aelsa..." Harwin whispered as they walked along the camps boarder. "I'm falling for you."

"Your not already madly in love with me?" Aelsa mused her hand grazing his.

"I love you, but I shouldn't." Harwin told her and Aelsa chuckled.

"Well why not?" Aelsa asked turning to face him. "Because I'm pregnant with another mans child? That man being my husband. Because I'm the queen? Because you make me happier than I have ever been..." Aelsa offered. "Well which one is it?" Harwin stared down at her. "Because I was in love with you before I even knew your name."

Harwin couldn't help it, couldn't hold back, he lead her backwards as his lips covered hers. It was a tender, exploratory kiss, wanting to claim her but knowing she could never be his. He licked the seam of her lips urging her to open further, and the instant that she did she was drowning in his dark taste. Her stomach coiled into knots as her breasts peaked into hardened nubs. His hand ran down her back, her stomach the only barricade from them fully connecting. She couldn't help sinking her hands into his hair. The moans and groans she heard coming from her throat were nothing compared to the deep lust rising in her body. He kissed her like he had all day to study her and she was his favorite subject. She wanted him to feel what she was feeling.

The out of control wonder that was sweeping through her body. She met his tongue with her own, gently sweeping it into his mouth and then retreating as the troops were being gathered.

"I love you, Aelsa... I'm not done with you tonight." Harwin whispered leading her back.


'Princess, I must make a final plea that we return to the camp.' Cole requested

'I rather prefer it here.' Rhaenyra told him as she threw twigs into the fire.

'His Grace is certain to be worried by your absence.'

'His Grace can worry himself to death if he so likes.' Rhaenyra told him smugly.  'Tell me something, Ser Criston. Do you think the realm will ever accept me as their Queen?'

'They'll have no choice but to, Princess.' Cole reminded her as their horses neighed and whinnied behind them. Cole rose ready to defend his princess, drew his blade, the twigs cracking under his feet as all went quiet.

Criston grunted as Rhaenyra yelled a boar  came charging at them, growling he leapt on top of Rhaenyra. She stabbed it and it fell. She lay for a moment remembering to breath when the boar started to squeal again Rhaenyra jumped up stabbing him over and over again,  Rhaenyra grunted and whimpered as she drove her blade into the boar, killing it.


'Is everything all right, Your Grace?' Aelsa questioned coming up to a large and crackling fire where Viserys stood, needing solace.

'You know, I... I named her... to protect the realm from Daemon. She was my only child. "The Realm's Delight." I named her out of love because I no longer believed...'

'Believed what, my love?' Aelsa questioned and Viserys sighed. Aelsa still had the taste of Harwin on her tongue and she savored it.

'Many in my line have been dragon riders. Very few among us have been dreamers. What is the power of a dragon... next to the power of prophecy.' Viserys told her

'The hour is too late, husband.' Aelsa reminded him. Too late for talk, she wanted to do something else with her lips.

'When Rhaenyra was a child... I saw it in a dream... as vivid as these flames, I saw it. A male babe born to me... wearing the Conqueror's crown.' Viserys told her confidently. 'And I so wanted it to be true, to be a dreamer myself. I sought that vision again, night after night... but it never came again. I poured all my thought and will into it. And my obsession killed Rhaenyra's mother.'

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