24. Ginger

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When Jacaerys was born a ginger at first Aelsa laughed out. Then remembered Rhaenyra was the heir and needed to get her act together.

Aelsa did love Aegon and Helaena truly she did but she LOVED Aemond. He was her pride and joy and so sweet and smart and kind.

''Handsome little lad.'' Aelsa remarked looking between rhaenyra and Laenor. ''Got your looks.'' Aelsa mused. Rhaenyra bit her lip. ''Congratulations,'' Aelsa offered. ''I will let you rest. I know the struggles of labor.'' Aelsa offered kindly before heading out.

But babies made her want Harwin. She wanted him constantly and was oh so eager for his body and mouth to consume her.

She wanted to lay in bed with him like this forever. But she pulled on his shirt remembering there was a gala, or feast or ball, something that required her attention.

"What if I just stayed in this shirt forever?" Aelsa pondered giving a button a tug as she turned to face Harwin.

"I am going to need that back." Harwin countered.

"I think I could persuade you otherwise."

"You're probably right about that.  If you were dancing around the castle in just this shirt, with your cute little legs sticking out the bottom..." He slid his hand down her thigh to squeeze her knee, bringing his face closer to hers, so close that she could feel his breath against her chin.  "I think I could be persuaded to let you live in nothing but my shirts."

She felt his hand tighten on her knee, just a bit, but his breathing quickened at the same time so there was no way to write it off as just an affectionate squeeze.

He slid his hand up her stomach before feeling down reaching between her legs as she leaned into him. He pressed his fingers against her folds, pushing into them gently till he nudged a fingertip against her opening.  His mouth came to her and kissed her tenderly, his lips parting to suck at her lower lip, his tongue moving very softly across it as his fingers carried on at a similarly slow and gentle pace between her legs.

She felt soaked almost instantly as she whimpered out needing more again and again.

"You do that so easily," She whispered, her voice barely audible over their breathing. Lips molding together seamlessly.

"Do what?"

"Coax my dampness from me," Aelsa declared dramatically, before kissing him again.

"You're a very sensual woman, darling.  It's not difficult." Harwin assured laying her back on the bed and she forgot about the feast entirely, her world was right here in this bed with him on her, in her. a wave of pleasure flooding her like an ocean waiting to pull her in.


Fucking and Love making were two different things and no one could Aelsa otherwise. Fucking Viserys when he pleased was a chore. Fake moans and smiling faces, a show. But with harwin that haze he put over her so easily.

"Do you ever wonder what might happen... if... do you think about the future?" Aelsa remarked.

"The future?"

"Our future." Aelsa clarified not looking at his handsome bearded face.

"I try not to." Harwin admitted and Aelsa felt pain and sorrow as she let out a shaky breath nodding slowly. "Because when I think about the future, I think of all the things I want us to do and to be and that can't happen. It makes me sad then mad and then I want to kill the king." Harwin rasped.

"I love you. I want you forever. You know that right?" Aelsa declared.

"I know. I love you." Harwin assured. "I just wish we could be more, so I dont like to think about the future, its too painful." Aelsa understood that and snuggled into Harwins side when her door opened.

Panic flooded him as he rolled off the bed landing with a loud thud.

"Mama." Aemond whispered nudging the door closed.

"Hi honey!" Aelsa declared picking him up. "What happened?"

"I miss you." Aemond whispered cuddling into her.

"It's so late, how did you get out of your crib?" Aelsa countered.

"Love you." Aemond said softly.

"Bar the door and come back to bed." Aelsa instructed leaning over at Harwin on the floor.

"I'm alright, don't bother asking but I'm alright." Harwin groaned getting up.

"Family snuggles." Aelsa declared peppering Aemond's face with kisses.

"Family." Harwin repeated as Aemond fell asleep inbetween them.

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